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Since hitting my mid thirties, my sex drive has all but diminished and although when in a new relationship, it's quite rampant for a while, the desire soon wanes. I'm now pregnant, surprisingly so, as...
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Are you OK? How did the scan go? x
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Just out of interest, I know some of the old wives tales but does anyone know the different signs between a boy or girl whilst pregnant or can you really not tell? I'm in my 17Th week & absolutely...
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7 weeks to go and i did something really really stupid!!!! well when i went for my 20 week scan i was told the placenta was lying low and i may need a c-section, she said it was very common and in...
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what should mother do in the seventh month to make childs iq level higher
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Hi I'm 18 years old and found out 3 days ago (Thursday) that i am pregnant, i have all the usual signs: tender breasts, heart burn, dizziness, nausea. I was ecstatic at finding out i was to have a...
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I'm over 32 weeks pregnant now. Me and the babys father unfortunately split up when i was about 21 weeks pregnant. We are not married and not even together now. We still speak and he is going to be...
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i have been off the pill since aug, and was just playing it by ear and not the book to try for a baby, but decided last month we should do it by the book to get caught quicker. this will be my second...
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I've managed to avoid getting a cold for 6 months, but now have one. I've been told by Midwives, GPs etc that I can take Paracetemol, which I have been doing, but since I started taking them, I...
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Hi. My husband and I are going to mexico in august and will need to have the necessary vaccinations etc. From June onwards we are going to start trying for a baby (our first). I am worried about...
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Hi everyone, Im almost 10 weeks pregnant & have my dating scan in a couple of days. I haven't really had many symptoms just sore breasts and a bit of tiredness but thats it really. Im worried that...
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just to let you know i cant stop eating! i eat for britain!! my god i think im gonna put about 2 stone on in the next 7 weeks!!! ( baby due) tho having said that i have only put on 8 pounds so...
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As some of you will be aware, I'm 25 weeks pregnant with my first child. I'm 39 and it came as quite a shock, as I never really seriously thought about having children, as I've never been keen on them...
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yes me again! ( i really will do the housework soon) just wondered if anyone had tried that bio oil? i never got stretch marks with my first but i have quite clearly with this one, cant say im that...
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im bored, my partner is out tonight, and i miss him!!!! tho to be fair no of us have been out in what feels like a decade!! saving for babs you see, so here i am with my wine glass full of juice and...
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this is prob a real silly question, but when i went to see my midwife she asked the usual questions and said is the baby moving loads, she said you should feel the babymove at least 10 times in 12...
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Thought I'd share the news...a little girl arrived on 7th Feb. After 14 hours of contractions(all over the place). 15 mins of pushing. A very bruised purple baby came out. Her head was stuck!!!...
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can I eat pasteurised goats cheese whilst pregnant
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my daughter is 13wks pregnant and is suffering with constipation. Is it safe to take laxatives at this time.
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Its the age old question! What do you think is a good age gap to have between children? I have a nearly 4 year old girl and nearly 1 year old boy at the moment and my partner said last night he would...

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