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Hi I have a 16month old daughter and another little girl on the way, I cant help feeling as if my husband wanted a son, he has said nothing but I just get the feeling he wants a boy, I guess 1 of each...
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had my 20 wk scan a few weeks ago and didnt ask the sex. when she was looking at baby im sure i saw two lumps which looked to me like lady bits! im sure at this stage, if it was a boy id have seen a...
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can anyone tell me how u read a boots own brand test? i miss placed the leaflet. It has the square then the circle next to it, i no that once the test as complete a vertical line appears in the...
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Anyone had this problem with a Breastfed baby, and know of any self help remedies ? My poor little baby suffers terribly and screams uncontrollably for hours each night.
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i know this might seem like a silly question but im 18weeks pregnant and was wondering if its ok to run? would it harm the baby? does any1 know
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i really dont know if i have enough or to much i have 2 tiny baby outfits incase she is very small as most babies in our family are only around 5 or 6 lbs when there born, iv got 17 new born vests, 10...
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This is more advise needed than answers?! I'm 24 & to be Married 1St Aug 09, however I think i'm pregnant (by my fiance of course)! We had an accident or two over my ovulation cycle & now I'm late on!...
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Right, been trying for a baby and thought my period had started on Fri but it never got going! All it was was brown yucky stuff and not very much of it! Now its just brown spotting. This is not a...
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eating healthy when pregnant is soooo much harder then it sounds, normally ill eat quite healthy, dont get me wrong i love my junk food, but i eat fruit and veg every day, anyway since becoming...
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Any WORTHWHILE tips on how to start myself off! God im huge, tired and scared of being induced again..... Also any thoughts on having a 'sweep' midwife said there is only a 17% sucess rate and i dont...
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im 37weeks and been feeling Claustrophobic for a few weeks its gettin worse! i cant sit in bed with covers over me i hate having tight clothes on, and i hate it when my partner is to close to me in...
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I am trying to determine how many days is in my menstrual cycle. Do I class the 1st day my period begins even though it is more like brown discharge to start with (sorry tmi) or say day 1 is when it...
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hello i think im posting this for reassurance you cant give me but im doing it anyway!!! im worried about my 20 week scan :o( i have it next week and ill be 21 weeks!! my boyfriend is really really...
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Is it true your hair grows faster through pregnancy?
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Does anyone know of an online forum where childless women can discuss their issues? Thanks
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carliex nursery-collection I have this nursery collection and i cant find a border to match it anywhere anyone seen one or know where may sell something to match...
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I didn't know it was possible to tell the gender of a foetus so early in a pregnancy. My daughter had her dating scan last week and she is 13 weeks +3 days.The sonographer said that the baby is...
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A friend of mine was induced at 8am this morning, this is her 2nd child, and idea how long it will take for the baby to arrive? thanks!
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I am due a week on Monday and for the past few days the joints in my hands ache when I clench my fists. Anyone else have this? And does anyone know what causes it?
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For various reasons we had to delay trying for a 2nd child. Now, after trying for more than a year, the doc has agreed to some tests. We started trying just after my 39th birthday and now 14 months...

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