Quizzes & Puzzles18 mins ago
Hi all (sorry I am usually andrea81 but can't use my name for unknown reasons) Well after having baby, how long should it be before I have a period. Menna is almost 6 weeks now and no sign! Cheers all...
Im 13 weeks and all i really really want is a dippy egg and soldiers :,( is there no way i can have one?? my mum and dad have their own hens so i know these eggs will be good?? or is it just NO XX
Hello to those of you who are mothers or mums-to-be. Last post i had on here was about a week ago. Last night i went into hospital at 8 due to light spotting and pain. I didn't leave the hospital til...
But unfortunately no baby.....yet!!
Im 32 weeks pregnant and i was measurement the other day by the GP who said my baby's lengh is only 29cm and behind on growth. I checked the Internet and the average lengh for a baby at 32 weeks...
Sounds silly but I am 25 weeks pregnant and had to walk through a muddy/flooded field yesterday with only flip flops on. Therefore, making my feet incredibly dirty!! I rinsed them with a water bottle...
im sure i heard somewhere that there was a one off payment of ?150 to pregnant women to help them eat healthily
can anyone tell me what a normal sperm count is? I've been looking on the net and have found alot of varying answers...
TIA xxx
I was just wondering if any of you 1st time mothers to be are buying anything for your other halves for fathers day? I'm thinking it would be nice to get something small! Maybe a bib or babygro or...
After having my Miscarriage on 25.5.08, i felt upset obviousily, but amazed myself at how well i coped. Only now + the last few days is it really kicking in wot iv just been through! I Went in to town...
Hi everyone, wondered if any one could help. I was woken at 2 this morning with contractions. they were bad enough I couldnt lie in bed, so i got up and walked around, They kept comng from approx 5...
Ok I may sound stupid here but hey whats new :-) I know baby get born the umbilical cord gets cut and it becomes the belly button, but what part does it play inside the mummys tummy? whats it attached...
What is considered a high nuchal fold result?
Hi wondering if anyone can help me. We had a gender scan at 16 weeks and found out it was a boy. We were unable to get pics of the babys genitalia as the baby wasnt playing very nicely so couldn,t get...
Hiya everyone i just put some pics of Oregan on FB feel free to take a browse- i know some of you keep asking for pics! xx
hi all, my friend found out yesterday that she is 8 weeks pregnant. it was totally unplanned as she was on the injection and not in a stable relationship.i have been to see her this morning and she is...
Does anyone know if hot bath, sex, curries actually has benefits on getting labor to start!! and does any one know if rasberry leaf tea helps either...!!! Im only 38 weeks, but getting inpatient...
my period is 2days late, my breasts r sore i feel sick but havent bin sick and i just cant stop eating one minute i want something sweet the next something savory i havent stopped eating all day 2day...
I sent this to a few of you on FB, but thought it was worthy of being on here! It'll cheer you up, honest!!!!! ;0)))))))))))))) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=EM2CORdyv8k
okay, this is about to sound really bad but, i'm worried. I'm 99% sure my partners the father of this baby but his dad has said i'm trying to trap him and that the dates dont match up. Now his making...