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Had a show?

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natalie_1982 | 09:54 Tue 11th Mar 2008 | Pregnancy
86 Answers
Hi ladies. I will be 37weeks tomorrow.

I have been feeling funny today, but put it down to the fact that I have a slight cold and haven't slept well the past two nights. I have been working myself up and have had butterflies because I have been feeling a bit run down that if baby comes early then I simply don't have the enery to push it out! LOL

Anyway, I was getting really hot and sweaty (put it down to the cold) but have just gone to the loo and think I have had a show....... cont.....


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Good morning everyone - just to let you know that I am still here! I've had very mild period type pains since last night, but this might be my heightened sensitivity rather than something starting that hadn't started before!

I'm feeling crap today so have taken the day as sick and am going to spend it on the sofa feeling sorry for myself, my throat is really sore and the cold seems to have descended on to my chest so I want to shift it asap if there's any chance that baby might come early, as I don't feel I have the energy to push a bottle over let alone push a baby out at the moment!

Hope you are all well xx
I felt rough when I went into labour, like I was coming down with something! And the mild pains? I'm excited now! Lol! Keep us updated won't you? x
oooh i wonder if you body is slowing down ready for the big push??

exciting stuff, keep us informed wont you!
HI ladies,

Glad your taking the day off Nat, if you are going into labor soon you'll need as much rest as you can before, as Red says, the big push.

I've been getting the same sort of pains as you today combined by a bit of back ache. Wouldn't it be funny if we went into labor at the same time!

Have a good day all x
well i can safely say that i dont feel fluey and have no signs of any aches and pains. Im starting to worry that I'll be forgotten about and go to 42+3 again with a 17 stone baby lol

if youre still getting the pains then perhaps time them and write them in a little notebook? Just in case you need to call midwife for advice.

I can remember how worrying it is and it always gave me something to focus on. Mr CRX lived 60 miles away from me so Id try and keep note of every twinge (I had painless contractions for weeks) and I also used to call 4get in from her flat next door when i got worried.
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Hi again - just checking in lol

I am still lounging around feeling exhausted and achey, still getting those mild pains though I am sure it nothing, and lower back pain but nothing that uncomfortable or painful atall. Still I am keeping a note of when the happen.

I just wish I could get a few hours sleep! I feel shattered but it doesn't seem to matter how or where I lay or sit I just can't sleep!

Hope you're all doing ok - MBoo, looks like we could be on a race for the finish line then! Good luck! X
Hello sweets , well I too think you are close to getting things underway. It's very common to feel off it before labour , the body slowing you down on purpose to conserve energy needed later . As has already been said , write down all your twinges and back aches and everything you feel , even if you don't think it's relevant .
Now we are all getting excited so hope this is the beginning of things for you hun :-) xxxxx
Hi Natalie,

I started my maternity leave this week (well, kind of, i work for myself) and i'm so glad i did! i was keeping things together at work, and i had momentum but now that i've stopped i'm sleeping an extra 4-5 hours a night, plus having some sleep in the afternoon sometimes! i know you're keen to carry on working as long as you can, and i did the same, but you do need to build up some energy reserves for the birth and maybe your feeling off and stuff might be your body's way of trying to get you to slow down and take some time for yourself.

I'm just sat waiting for things to happen now! so frustrating!!! i've been getting aches and pains and cramps for about 2 weeks which according to my midwife is just everything getting ready. i feel like i've been sat on something rock hard becuase my bones down below are sore but apparently that's the baby's head putting pressure on. just dug out my exercise ball but we can't find the adaptor to blow the flipping thing up!!!

anyway, hope you feel better soon - relax as much as you can!

Lorraine xx
p.s. i am sure i did read somewhere that you do get increased discharge in the later stages...not sure if that' is referring to your mucus plug or actual discharge?
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Morning again everyone, I'm still getting those mild-ish pains, nothing painful or uncomfortable though. I am going to docs this morning as I think the cold I had has turned into a chest infection :-(
She'll probably tell me to rest up and that I can sign myself off for up to one week, but just for peace of mind I am going to go round anyway (she might be able to tell me if baby's head has engaged yet too!).
I think I will still have a while to go yet as baby (or belly at least, not quite sure if it is just baby) is very active, I find it hard to tell what is baby and what might be BH though as it seems to feel like something is jutting out but could just be tightening I suppose as it seems to happens at angles as if baby were doing star jumps. I have given up trying to second guess where it is and what it is up to now :-)

Hope you are all well, I am off round to docs in a few minutes then have to pick some shopping up on the way home so I should be back mid morning when I will probably need a little nap! LOL

Have a good day all xx
Morning Natalie,
How did you go at the docs?
My baby is still VERY VERY active and the midwife says that's good and totally normal. she said that babies shouldn't really slow down (although i have read that in the last few weeks babies move less due to restricted space but she said that's not necessarily the case...)
i get what feels like a foot in the bottom left corner and another in the top right! (I know uterus' don't have corners but you know what i mean i'm sure...)
my pains have got worse since i found out the baby's head was engaged so chances are that's what's happened to you too! it's all steps in the right direction but your baby could come today or in 4 weeks probably, just like me.

will check on you later hun, get better soon

Hi Natalie,

hope things are either less painful or moving onwards hun!

Ive had some show too now i think and i spoke to midwife this morning and she thinks the pains i had were the babys head engaging. She still couldnt say if Id still be waiting in 4 weeks though so Im not getting exceited about it lol

Keeping fingers crossed for you though xx
Blimey its all go one here now isnt it?lol I think this catergory will suddenly go quiet because you will all be too busy popping babies out left right and centre!

How many of you are about due now?
Im due 14th April so 35+3 at mo
I'm due on 23rd March...9 days.....but if this baby is anything at all like me it'll hang on in there till the last possible minute. I saw the midwife yesterday and i'm not due to see her again till T+3 in 2 weeks. she said that if i was still pregnant that we'd discuss a sweep...i didn't realise that they couldn't do that till you'd gone 7 days over your due date. anyway, hopefully it'll have happened before then!
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Hi everyone :-)

Doc said I should take 7 days day self-cert sickness, which would take me to returning to work Weds next week and happens to be my next GP antenatal appt too. I am feeling pretty crappy - sore throat, chesty cough, blocked nose and ears, but much better than yesterday as it seems to be coming out of me now. Think I will spend the next few days resting up and keeping my fuilds up then see how I feel on Monday. I'm not addicted to working or anything like that, I just get so bored and frustrated sitting around the house especially when I spy little jobs that need doing (like washing the windows) and I just can't do them because I can't reach because of the enormous belly in the way!

I think the show and pains I have been getting have been baby engaging because it has been sooooo active and uncomfortable at times. It is moving more than usual, or I am noticing it more than usual anyway, and it feels like somebody has put a rod going from under my ribs to my pubic bone because I can't sit straight, I sort of loll to one side in a chair (evil I know, but think Stephen Hawking and you get the idea). I hope that baby decides whether it is coming or staying soon so that I can figure a way of at least sitting comfortably!

Psy you will have to man the pregnancy section on your own with tea and sympathy whilst we are all a-pushing! LOL
Speaking of which, has anyone heard from mountainboo today? I think we should begin signing in on a daily basis now, like in school :-D

Oh, and I am 37+1
Hi Nat and everyone else

I've been having probs with the internet connection up until now, but I'm still here.

Glad you went to the doc's and have signed yourself off, forget about the windows, they can wait, you put your feet up. Before bed try hovering your head over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head and inhale the steam, it may help clear your chest a little. Ordinarily I would say put a couple of drops of olbas oil in it but I don't know if, being pregnant you can, maybe Red or Psy might know?

I'm 38 weeks now, had my anti-natal appt yesturday and all seems well apart from very slight Oaedema (sorry for crap spelling). I managed to get an estimation of weight out of her, she thinks between 8 and 9 lbs. He's also fully engaged. Having the usual discomforts but nothing to indicate labour yet.

Have you got your bags packed yet Nat?
I still think from the sounds of things Red, your still in the running to beat Nat or I, how are you holding up with the Diabetes at the moment?
Lorry, whens your due date again?
Psy, how are things with your new addition? You were a few days early weren't you?

I agree about signing in daily.

Have a good evening all xx
here Sir!

oh thats too much like school lol

as MB recommended youre ok to use olbas oil as a steam inhalation, but be careful that you dont get light headed and dizzy.

Nat, take it easy, dont go cleaning windows and dont return to work if you are not 100% or youll exhaust yourself before the birth.

MB, sorry the swelling is bad. I havnt had it this time but recall how bad it was last time, and i remember my legs itching like crazy too.

8-9lbs is a nice healthy weight, i hope that you dont go too far overdue.
mountainboo, I was 2 weeks early, or should I say baby was lol She still weighed nearly 8lb though. The midwife said had she gone another 2 weeks, she wouldve weighed closer to 9lb. She weighs about that now and I look at the size of her and think Im so glad she was early lol

Lorrymac Im not sure but I think there are others on here who have had sweeps at just a few days over. I suppose it depends on your midwife. I had a sweep 2 weeks before due date because I had already gone into labour but wasnt progressing.

natalie, glad youre getting to put your feet up, you will feel the benefits of resting. I bet you wont want to go back after though lol I know everyone is different but I found that all the time baby was active, I wasnt getting contractions. When baby went quiet, I would get them again. It was the same for BH for me.

She must know Im talking about her! lol shes woken up. I will come back and check on you lot later!
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Morning all - still here :-)

Yep, bags are all packed MBoo. Had a bit of a disaster with my nightdresses in that I bought some cheapy ones from Primark, got them home tried them on and they were fine, fairly sack like, but they covered everything so that was good enough. Anyway, I put them through the wash and went to put one on last night and have now found that they don't cover my modesty as they have shrunk slightly in the wash and my belly has grown again LOL
Oh well, can't see as I will care that much come the time, I think I will pinch MrNat's dressing gown instead. He doesn't know this yet, but I tried it on yesterday and it's perfect ;-)

I've been taking it easy, I stuck a DVD on yesterday afternoon. Think i will go out for a little walk this morning - the fresh air seems to be doing me good and it makes me so tired that I find that I can sit without fidgetting too much! I think it would help if daytime TV was better, but Jeremy Kyle makes me want to get up and do the housework. In fact, he makes me want to do anything that doesn't involve sitting in front of the TV! At least when baby is here I'll be able to get out and about a bit more.

If nothing else, the fact that I have this cold thing means that I am sleeping better. I've been falling asleep in one position at 9ish and then waking at 5am in the exact same position, it makes my hip hurt a bit but just being able to sleep that long is lovely. Thanks for tips re Olbas oil, we don't have any in the house so if I am feeling crappy this afternoon I will ask MrNat to pick some up on the way home.

Hope you all have a good day today xx

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