ol thanx andrea I think I may need them! ad as 4 old wives tales I know them and I've tried em but no amount of chilli or sex is moving this one! But i won't give up easily!!
My sister (who had 2 by this means) would swaer by going for a long ride in car and then walking for a good while. She did this twice and had an ealry sleep as she was nakers from walk and her waters broke both times!!!
when i was pregnant with my first, midwife told me and a spicey curry, It gets the bowels moving which is something you body does when its getting ready for labour, and have sex as there is a hormone in sperm that softens the plug in the cervix.
And I can say it worked. not once but three times. but dont worry baby will come when babys ready
have you got a gym ball / birthing ball that you can sit on and rock your hips?
I found that towards the end i could feel baby really low down whenever i rocked and rotated my hips. Not sure if it helped or wether it was just gravity that sent me into labour.
walking up and down stairs is one ive heard many a time too
i haven't got a gym ball, but there was a kid playing on a space hopper outside yesterday, if I see her today I'm might ask for a go!! I'm that desperate now! failing that it'll have to be the stairs.