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4getmenot | 13:10 Tue 25th Aug 2009 | Pregnancy
5 Answers
When is labour time counted from? My mate was online saying her waters had broke at about 10.30 then how her contractions were 5 mins apart then at 3am I had msg saying she'd had a girl yet she says she was in labour 35 mins


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perhaps thats her second stage labour (ie from head crowing to baby being out)

first stage labour is from when labour is established (from 4cms dilated usually) to head crowning

Third stage is afterbirth.

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ahhh now it makes more sense. And she said her 2nd waters broke at so and so time. 2nd waters!!! I thought there was only 1!!
well there is only one, but hind waters can be a little trickle, fore waters is often the gush
Yes there are two waters, the fore waters and the hind waters. The fore waters usually break either at the start of or during labour and the hind waters come out with the baby.
I nevr knew that there were 2 waters till I had my daughter and I saw 2 midwives having almost a stand up fight about it but my hind waters broke on the monday and I didn't have my daughter till the saturday morning my "fore" waters were broken in the friday afternoon, but all I can say was that I had niggles up to the thursday night! either I was in labour for about a week........which I doubt lol...or the 29 hours that were in my maternity records. PS what chance do u stand when midwifes can't aggree!

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