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lellibet | 13:40 Wed 08th Dec 2010 | Pregnancy
94 Answers
I have just had the misfortune to find myself pregnat at 50.
I thought I was going my menopause for the last 3 years.
Been taking natural supplements an everything to help with the sweats and all that.
Was even using condoms..
I just didn't think it possible.

Anyone else ever gone through this?



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I'm probably around 4+ months, as I said I've been going through what I though was the menopause, even my GP agreed had made suggestion as to what would/could help. I was lazing on the sofa then I felt movement. I thought no!!! then for the next 4 nexts I'd get in position and sure enough........... I have 3 grown ups and grand kids so I know the score!!!!!!!!!!. Day 5 I was on the phone everythings sorted. Thanks so much for hearing this people, it's not exactly ther sort of thing you'll drop into conversation.
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nhs services are not as bad as they are painted ;)
i am quite open about the fact i had a termination 2 and a half years ago, if this is to be your choice and you need to talk to me you are welcome to email me x
I am so sorry for the situation you are easy choices.
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The father my partner agrees with whatever I feel I should do.
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at least he is with you. this may sound silly but i assume youve done a test?
oh aren't they cazzz????...or do you just mean gynae? Some of the others I have experienced have been dire and i used to work for the NHS so spend a lot of my time defending parts of it.
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I have had nothing but good experiences, not just in gynocology either woof, but Im sure for every good there are plenty of bad, I suppose. I was just highlighting that its not all bad.
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Believe you me no test required!!! All that has been bypassed going for a scan on Friday. Went back to front and contacted the clinic first. Have a provisional date for the termination. The clinic lady was lovely.
im glad you have a supportive GP and clinic.
The NHS arent always so great when it comes to things like this
I was thinking of lellibet rather than the NHS services. Sensitive matter dealt with in a Private Consulting Room, operation performed in a single room, no awkward questions by other patients after the operation............that´s all.
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I feel so much better "talking to you guys" was feeling guilty as sin earlier, wel for the past 3 of 4 days. I could not even contemplate full term.
Doesn't make me a bad selfish person does it?
I have grandkids of 5 and 1 thats eneough.
As a said earlier my babies are 25, 20 and 18.
The old man can be a big baby as well sometimes and he's 45
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As you can see by my spelling can't even think straight
I'm a man so anything I have to say may not be terribly relevant and no you are NOT a bad selfish person at all, just make certain it's not your shock at this colouring your decision. I absoutely think it is any woman's right to terminate if they want to, and if your partner is behind your decision then fine, just make sure you have both talked everything through in minute detail and that you have no doubts for your own peace of mind later on and I hope things go as easily as they can for you.
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Nox a very sweet male view! Believe me I KNOW what I want and its not a baba at 50. I may have considered 10 or even 5 years ago. But not now I've only just started living again. Got my last one through college on his career path, did all that on my own. Enjoying going out blah blah blah after all the suffering I've been through to get here, to grow my kids up. I'm spent in that department.
all I can do is send my very best wishes to you and your partner
Everything will be fine
take care x

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