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Peeing on the toilet seat....

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Goodsoulette | 00:47 Mon 17th Sep 2012 | Family & Relationships
54 Answers
How do I stop my boys doing this? If I get up in the middle of the night for a wee myself (or first thing in the morning) and sit in their widdle one more time, I'll just complain about it some more and blindly do the same thing cleary eyed a few days later.... but seriously, it makes me want to cry!!! and dettol my arse.


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I don't know really how you can stop this, but perhaps as a ritual nightly thing make sure YOU put the seat up before you go to bed.
They are not going to put the seat down to pee are they (are they?)
Are they little boys or big boys? I'm afraid some sort of disciplin comes in here my love. Good Luck.

I don't understand why women complain about us guys peeing on the toilet seat; it takes real coordination of hand and eye.
Question Author
They are 7 and 11 but my boyfriend has admitted that its probably him too when he is here cause having been raised by just his mum he never lifted the seat either.
G. I'm not trying to make light of your situation but I thought you'd get a smile out of this > > >

I know she's just trying to make things nice, so I do my part. Now, when I get up to use the toilet in the middle of the night, I turn on the light. I used to just go by sonar: just keep peeing 'til you hear water.

Jem :)
The only trouble with your advice, Jemisa, is that by the time you hear water it could be lapping round your ankles, especially if you have been on the sauce earlier.

(From one who knows).
Perhaps a step up to the toilet seat would help as they maybe too short to reach the rim.

Easier to get yourself some toilet wipes than keep moaning at them.
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from the way i was brought up,it was a given that boys/men lifted the toilet seat up to "go" so that they didnt "spill" onto the seat that others have to sit on! in fact it is a time honoured annoyance for some females that they dont then put the seat back down! why can you not just tell your boys that they are expected to lift the seat up,and reinforce this ! at 7 and 11 they are hardly babies or toddlers!
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I'd try leaving the seat up at night but if the problem continues I'd keep reminding them that it's a shared resource. However I'm not sure why boys/men stand up- when I'm half asleep I find it much easier to sit down and it saves me having to bother to turn the light on.
much MUCH too early to contemplate this kind of domestic
Leave the seat up and put a ping pong ball in the bowl. They'll have fun improving their aim.
I would agree not to get too worked up about it but it's better in my view to deal with it now rather than face possible confrontation when they become teenagers. Maybe we were lucky but we managed it much earlier than this our boys without nagging/getting angry, just reminders that it's a shared resource and we should help each other.
Put up this sign:
If you dribble when you piddle
Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie
Our aim is to keep this toilet clean,
Your aim could help.

Gentlemen, please stand closer,
It's shorter than you think.

and finally

Please remain seated during the whole performance.
Put a ping pong ball in the water!
They are little men and will not be able to resist peeing on it!
Job done!

Lisa x
It seems looking at Gs post above that it is not her little boys that are the culprits its her BOYFRIEND. eh!

Get yourself a portable bog seat?
note to self, must get a ping pong ball, sounds fun to me.
Lol...I feel your pain. They all deny it.

Horrible, disgusting, dirty boys!!!

Had an argument with them recently. Even if they lift up the lid they still pee all over the toilet. They couldn't understand my problem. Grrrr

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