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baby names

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zzxxee | 18:28 Fri 20th Jun 2008 | Family & Relationships
73 Answers
my mate is having a baby girl and is looking for unusual names and what they mean any ideas


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I like more traditional names - Emily, Georgina, Grace, Rose, Madeleine, Olivia. Although having said that, if I were lucky enough to have a daughter, I always fancied Annie-Catherine.
maybe lucy is from a council estate seen as she seems to know so much about them and there chav lifestyle
One of the girls at work has called hers Lily which is lovely.
Ignore lucy, she obviously has issues if she has to be bitchy for no reason
High Five cazzz - nice one!! LOL
Thank you Barmaid. A light in the darkness.
O prefer old fashioned names as well Barmaid -I even like my middle name Helen.My daughters name was old fashioned 19yrs ago but not now -bit of a blow but at least she's one of the older ones with that name -thankfully my sons is still traditional isnt it Cru lol!!

BTW-ignore LT -it will be off by Monday -no social skills at all.Dont bother with my punctiation etc Lt -I just prefer to post this way.
LUCY why is it, if someone chooses a different name for there children then they get judged for it. it is only a name and does not make them a bad mother.
Very few of us have actually answered zzxxee's question - so can we get back on track please !

I also think that Morgan is a lovely name for a little girl. I also like Luan (or Luanne), Jenifer, Ruve, Syldie, Vela and Ethie.
Yes Drisgirl, I wouldn't expect anything else than for you to wallow in your own ignorance.
Is the baby likely to have dark hair ?
Leila is pretty and it means 'dark beauty'
PS I bet �10 that *Lucy* is not a woman..... lol
Well i'm glad I didnt disappoint you darling now back to the Q in hand mwah xxxx
I would wager that she has some sort of social issues as well....
maybe if we all just ignore lucy and get bk to the original question she may just go away and annoy someone else
I like Madison, Chelsea and Chloe. My daughter had an unusual name when she was born, but it's quite popular now.
"I also think that Morgan is a lovely name for a little girl. I also like Luan (or Luanne), Jenifer, Ruve, Syldie, Vela and Ethie."

And you all think I'm barking.
I've been told who LT is but cant say on here -but youre not far wrong jugglering -just ignore it -it will be removed by Monday -thats why I couldnt give a tinkers cuss -tee hee !!

I also liked Rosalind -for my son but obviously he was a boy lol
My friends daughter is Miriam -lovely name.
I love all the Irish names as well -would have to get a dictionery to spell them but love the pronunciation.

I suppose it depends on your age -with me being older I prefer the traditional but whose to say that the ones nowadays which some find chav wont be traditional in years to come -after all in 80yrs time there will be a little old lady called Paige and no-one will bat an eyelid and they will speak of those new fangled names like Elizabeth lol
So who am I 'supposed' to be then. I know who I am. Tell us all.
look, whatever our individual preducices are, we are all free to call our children whatever, but experience has shown that we do actually judge people by their nomiker.If you call your daughter Lola, No one expects her to be a brain surgeon. I know that isn't fair but I think it is a sad fact of life

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