why is there always an idiot on here. if thats what she likes then thats her choice i think it is lovely. why cant she be different. for your information she has a good job a long term partner and has her own house in a lovely area.
Why does your mate want an unusual name for her baby. I am really not being funny or snobbish, but what is wrong with a traditional name which won't cause the child embarassment in adult life. About 20 years ago I worked at a creche where a child was called Trendy. To this day I have nightmares about her growing up!
Sha has a long term partner. I notice you didn't use the word husband. If you think that is a nice name then you are as bad as her. It's probably up there in the top ten of the worst chav names. It'll probably be dressed in Burberry nappies.
just because she has a long term partner and is not married does not make her a bad person or mother. let me guess you have been married for 25 years and kids all been to university and have top paid jobs.
i doubt it
why cant people choose the nemes they like rather than copyin someone else. i do like the name and yes if i had a girl i would have considered it myself.
I think Teigan Paige sounds quite nice too ! I've never heard of it before, so how on earth can it be compared to a council estate defeats me.... Are there council estates called Teigan Paige somewhere around the UK ?