Have any other ppl had this. She has always been a bit of a fussy eater, but for the last few days she is refusing food. There is no reason for it, she hasn't choked or anything, but she screams blue murder if you put her in her high chair! I have tried feeding her sat on her own, but she just doesn't want know.
Hi Yes she is quite happy with liquids, and unfortunately the only thing I can get her to eat is Quavers and the odd malted milk . . . she recoils in horror if she sees the spoon!
. . . I would like to say that I do not condone the use of Quavers/wotsits and any sort of nourishment for a baby (well anyone for that matter) . . . but I am getting desperate. I have tried toast and pitta bread, but she refuses that as well now, where before she would eat it.
Is he will eat quavers, she is not in great pain, offer the food and do not make a fuss, if she refuses remove let her sit and play, then try again calmly later and hold the quavers.They do know the buttons to press but she will not starve.
in fairness quavers melt in the mouth, I remember my son would barely eat when his back teeth were coming through, he didnt display the usual symptoms (dribbling and red cheeks) but once they came in his apetite imprved drastically.
if she carries on though nelly, I would mention it to the health visitor.
Excellent idea with the blending fruit! Your right it could be back teeth! She keeps grabbing her ears (but her ears were checked by doc and were fine) so it could be the back teeth!
Have you tried all the usual teething remidies? I can recommend anbesol, the various granules available and paracetamol or ibuprofen if they don't help.
In regards to the eating I would stop giving the crisps/biscuits now unless you could be setting yourself up fro real problems later. How about yoghurts instead?
I would also try her with loads of finger foods. The bottom line is she will eat when she's hungry. Babies do not starve themselves and I do know through personal experience that its horrible to see your child not eat hardly anything through the day but she will eat when she's ready. As others have said, give her the meals and then leave her to it if she won't let you feed her with a spoon. If you refuse to give in with the crisps she should eventually eat when she's hungry. Good luck!