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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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There yet another Smartie on AB the place is swarming with them!!!

No Robi twas a lovely boat race although my heart was in my mouth for most of it, good old Oxford! Oh yes the cambridge cox did shout the "f" word rather loudly and the BBc commentator remarked on it!!!
goodness, I wouldn't be a very happy bunny if I was called Clumsy Kid Spanks.

Well, I had a Peanut Piston burger last night - satay sauce and other stuff. Unexpectedly tasty. I expect McDonalds will steal the recipe any day now.
Collected hija from airport which involved a MacDonalds stop, I only had chips; she went straight to bed she's knackered and I had a lovely hot bath and am now in bed again, surprisingly chilly out in the evening!

That sounds nice jno, I love most things with satay sauce!

See you all tomorrow. oight oight
but I intensely dislike burgers!!!!
I'm not a burger fan but this was nice. They are very inventive with burgers and pizzas down here. Actually, they are inventive with most foods.

Ooh that looks tasty Jno .I love burger and chips ,but not from McDonalds .
Our little local shop do nice ones .
Another thing I only eat rarely these days though .My mouth is watering now.
All we had today was cold chicken ,some salad and new pots.
I watched the boat race .I'm not fussed who wins .I like the fit men :)
Glad the bump is doing well Robinia .
I hope you haven't got a cold Woofy .Ah .. the dishwasher has beeped so am off to bed ,hopefully the weather will be brighter tomorrow ,cold and sleety here all day today.
Oight Oight .Sleep toight .

Question Author
no Shaney, it was a bunny snuffle not a cold snuffle....have eaten too much today....oight oight all
Good morning, no April Fools Day here, ours in December 28th (St Innocents Day)

The only burger I will eat at a pinch is a Mcdonalds happy meal, and that maybe once a year!

Raining here, just do not want to get up. It is definitely warmer here as I do not wear pj bottoms anymore, just a t shirt.

You'll be back soon won't you jno?

Morning each...white rabbits, or, in my case, white teddies.

Some very imaginitive names for those burgers there jno, hopefully not the description of the after effects. You might want to start stuffing frozen burgers and chips up your jumper to get you acclimatised before you come home, it's a real feel of minus 8 here. I wouldn't have thought it was that cold actually tho', maybe that was the early morning minimum. I'm still in old time and I've no idea what day it is.
Morning all
Nice and sunny and I've been lounging in the garden with a cuppa ,reading a book while the bees bumble around .In my dreams .
Sunny it is but still bloomin' cold .
Hope you are all Ok .
haha, I was just about to hurl a lump of snow at you there shaney (we've still got blobs of it around where people made snowmen or piled it up.
Still very blowy here, washing is spinning round like a whirling dervish (it's OK, it is supposed too) first lot out, dried naturally , ironed and put away. Still extremely worried about the 30ft TV mast right at the back of this house. Gout is playing up a bit. Hey ho!
I will be on a plane tonight so kindly get the weather sorted out pronto, I do not want to find snowmen multiplying on my lawn. On the other hand, hopefully it's been so cold the lawn hasn't bothered to grow while I'm away. The washing is whirring away now so that won't need doing when we arrive either. So it'll just be opening the mountain of mail and finding the ones with cheques in them. Maybe Jose Luis will have sent a little something, we have been apart too long.
hastily kicks off jno's slippers

I'll put an extra paraffin heater on next to your chair jno. Don't worry about your grass, if it's anything like mine it'll probably be six inches below the ground not above it. Safe journey home.

jose luis is but a distant memory, I now have an admirer called Caroline !!!
Well you'll be just in time to see the new whispering Dan Jno .He doesn't do the whispering but gets ever so excited and whirls his arms around at a rate of knots .Andrew Wallace-Hadrill BBC2 tonight 9pm on Herculaneum .Very good .
Have a safe journey home .
I don't think it's quite as cold as it was ,mind you I can't tell much difference with all these layers of clothes .I feel as if I've been mothballed .
Oight Oight ..sleep toight .
Grrrrr.....can't get to sleep .
Nothing for it ...munching on lettuce sarnie :)
Good morning Biddy Friends coming home today. See you later. Have kept up with your posts. I hope the snow has gone there too.
Good morning, have safe journies jno and jude!

Robi I keep meaning to ask how is Ozzie son now and how far gone is little bump?

Mousey had me up and down half of the night, in , out, in again scratching at doors keaping on beds and then squashing me so I slept clinging onto edge of bed, which I allowed simply for the peace!
Morning the time it took to make my first cuppa and drink it there was a covering of snow. Gone again now and bright on and off but a feel of minus 6.

Neti, Ozzy son has been enjoying beer, sunshine and fishing (or feeding the fish as he calls it) over Easter so he doesn't seem too troubled.....The bump has just over 11 more weeks to cook, assuming he's not like T and comes in a hurry that is! She's clearly very happy, I felt like she'd given me a couple of happy pills after they'd gone :) Hope it all goes well for them both.

Well my head's nagging again so I've resorted to the ibuprofen which I don't like...not 600 mgs tho.

Hope you left some heating on Jude!

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