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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Morning all, my goodness jno, were you flying Ryanair?

Yes I enjoyed Scott & Bailey.

Make up? it is his fault, he'd been drinking and is unbearable. I thought he had stopped it but it's started again, I get blamed for everything and I try to keep them both happy. He slept on the sofa all night and is very grumpy today, he can sulk for England so I will let him! and I had made a lovely turkey curry with veg sidecurry, I will eat mine today.

That aside, the sun is shining and my puce face seems to subsided to a shocking pink! Hija has an interview so must wake her up!
Hiija has a job (thanks to Mr N's golfing partner!) she is a waitress in a hotel bar!
Morning all...zzzzzz, very little sleep, if it's not one thing it's another...I give up. I think I need some of Corrie's cannabis cakes. Yes woofy, I've said a million times too, it's bitter. I'm glad I went out yesterday, the wind's unreal today.

I just can't watch Scott and bailey I'm afraid, Suranne Jones always looks as if she's sneering to me & I'm not keen on the other one either. Bring back Dalziel and Pascoe!

Welcome back jno, we did warn you, hope you acclimatise soon. Unlike the sweti one, there's not much chance of wearing your chiffon sarong for the forseeable. You might find that UK residents have all turned various shades of blue and purple but don't worry, we haven't been invaded by aliens.

Pleased you had a good time Jude, that was a tedious journey though. It's been so long since I went on a train I wouldn't know where to buy a ticket. There was a time I was on them almost every day.
Yes suranne does sneer somewhat.

That Warren Clark was a office boy to my friend (and erstwhile biddy) Marm when they worked on a national paper.

Lovely weather now, still a breeze and nippy if out of the sun.
Yay, have found my bikini and all things swimwear! Had to visualise the bag they were packed in, and then it was easy!!
Hello all
It's dire .That freezing cold wind and I had to go and clear the drain where it was blocked with leaves and mess about with a stiff brush and soda crystals. I'm sick of this cold to the back teeth .
I hope you are all ok though .It looks as if some milder weather is on the way though,then it'll probably rain !
I used to like Dalziel and Pascoe .I saw that they're filming a new series of George Gently to be shown this year .I like Martin Shaw .
Congrats to your daughter on getting a job Neti ....and you've found your bikini ? I'll be lucky to find my belly button in all these layers :)
Oh I love unblocking drains and sewers, when we lived in Truro in the late 70's a chap came round to unblock ours (we'd just bought the house!) and he pointed out the little black worms which are a sign of a blocked sewer, and I had a jolly time probing it, and now I do it here when it get's blocked. I use a wire coat hanger, none of those dyno rods thingies for me!
huh, I've found my swimming things and into the back of the cupboard they go. It has been snowing all day here, not really cold enough to settle but the lawn is whitish all the same. Time to start planning my next trip down under, I think.
I noticed it was snowing dahn sarf on the lunchtime news you are, we've been in the stitch and b1tch corner while you were away...
I would go and microwave my slippers but that would mean taking off the electric blanket I have wrapped around my legs while I'm at the computer. Decisions, decisions
oh no, have I got my webcam on? You got that idea from me didn't you jno?
Draughty Corner,
Windy Road
oh, what a little cutie - do they have these in Spain?
Justice is done - the Philpots and Moseley go to jail.

All the best to Hija in her new job. Is she near where you live Neti?

I've never watch S & B. I suspect it's a detective programme. I didn't mind Dalziel & Pascoe but didn't watch it religiously.

I'm fed up with the cold too Shaney I expect everybody is now. I've just heard it's going to get abit warmer but them the weather is going to be unsettled. And I feel for you Jno coming back from a lovely warm place.

And Woofy hope you're having a good time with you sister.
Have to go Skyping now - laters 'gaters
Sorry - Hiya Robi as well...see you soon..
Oh yuk jno, no we do not, although they could always arrive witht he bananas from the main land. As an island we do not have foxes or snakes or other things, but we get the biting spiders.

Mr N is OK, I bought him a new cheap suduko book and made him a nice dinner, told him firmly I won't tolerate that behaviour again and he is fine if a tad quiet, ashamed I suspect!!

Most of the palm trees here have a nasty infestation and they are dying like nine pins (err?). Ours dropped all it's leaves last September but no one knew about this then, so Mr N has been digging out the remains of the roots. The little blighters eat the tree away from the inside. I loved my palm tree, it planted itself there a couple of years ago, I would have preferred it on the other side of the drive (ahem, well it's where we drive in!) All gone and destroyed now! I could once again see Charlie's grave so I tidied that up, but little twirtle's grave is fine ( a lot newer).

Looking forward to Prisoners' wives tonight. Hate the ginger twit now!
I washed 4 bikinis, 4 swimsuits and one white wide brimmed sunhat, bring it on, I am ready!
Prisoners Wives was really sad Neti .
Just shows you how peoples lives can unravel .
I think when Fran turned round at the end to her son and his girlfriend she was seeing a replay of how her life panned out .
It's so cold and the wind is howling .I rarely hear Mr S moan about the cold ,being of good stoical German stock he's used to the cold ,but even he's complaining now .
Glad you and Mr N are ok now ....keep warm everyone and Oight Oight .

gah, there are ants all over the house. I feel like Toad coming to Toad Hall and finding weasels and stoats everywhere.
It's 4.55 and I've been awake for ages. Hope you're all tucked up and fast asleep.
Good morning all.

Oh jude, hope you got some sleep finally.

Shaney was that the end of Prisoners' wives? Yes the poor boy, but surely he will get away with it, he was saving his sister. But he kept the girlfriend although it was not the life she wanted. So what happened to the ginger twit, did he become a muslim?

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