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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Morning all...warm, sunny, 25 degrees C ....well it is in Perth. I actually slept last night, woo.

Yes Jude, locked up for a very long time. I don't know about you but I heard things on the grapevine that didn't come out as evidence so probably weren't true. I know how awful it was for the hospital staff, the worst thing since Kegworth apparently. I remember that well.

Ant bait stations, that's what you need jno, i found them good in the house anyway. Or get one of those spiders in to sort 'em out.

Sorry your palm trees are dying neti, what will you hang your hammock from now?

Morning all
Bright and sunny but still that cold wind .
Hope you got back to sleep Jude .I get nitty when I don't sleep .

Yes he became a muslim Neti,and Harriet had her house up for sale .He was writing to her though to say he was sorry .He ruined her life .
It was the last one .I don't know if they'll do any more .I hope so .

You must have a nest somewhere Jno ,if you can find out where they are getting in put a bait down .A line of talcum powder will stop them too.
Hope you are all Ok today .
I'd better hit the streets and get some eats .
lol @ shaney turning rapper
Thank you shaney for clearing that up for me. Last one? didn't seem to be many episodes in this one! I hope they make another series.

Well hija appears to have the same thyroid ailment as me, but she has another test in 2 months to make sure. She is blaming it now on her staying in bed all day, putting on weight, and bad memory, certainly not laziness, eating all and sundry and forgetting her PIN no:!!

Lovely warm sunny day here.

A chalk line works as well jno, they do no like the powder on their little legs!

I have bought some dark purple nail polish, and tried some on my thumbnail, it looks like a bruised nail, not very exciting!
Afternoon Biddyfriends.
Robi I've not heard anything about the Ps other than what I've read in the paper. There's been pages of it.
Steady wrote a little piece on Face Book. (No bad language) just what he thought and loads of people liked what he said. I think he expressed the views of very many people.

Had a good walk today to Pride Park Stadium to renew my season ticket. I'm a devil for punishment aren't I! At least I doubt we'll be going down and definitely not going up!! I think my friend's team will be coming back next season so we'll be playing each other. That'll be interesting. My friend is coming to Derby to see the last home match of the season with me.

It's been quite a nice day today. The wind was in my face going but I had a lovely walk coming home. But the sun shone.

Off to hoover up now. Here's a tip - never buy a brown carpet it wants hoovering every single day.

Hope you've all had a good day - hopefull I can find something decent to watch or listen to later on. Laters 'gaters.

Raining and dark!
Hope your daughter's ok neti.

well I've been looking at previous year's pics, at this rate I should have cherry blossom by Michelmas.
Hello again. Hope Hija goes on ok Neti. My niece has a thyroid problem she was diagnosed about 15 years ago and is on a daily tablet for it. She was in her thirties when it developed. She's fine now but she will have to take the tablets for life so I hope Hija gets sorted soon.
It's gone very cold again now and I'm really tired so I expect I'll be in bed early tonight.
Hope you're all ok.
tsk, must be really cold if Jude's not out jiving till dawn
Gone really wintry here, luckily I made a beef stew and it was lovely, I even plugged in the "log effect" and it makes all the difference. We had no BBC or ITV for a couple of hours cos it goes off in low cloud for rain, but it's on again in time for Corrie. I also have low thyroid so we can swap meds!!
Thyroid problems can be hereditary Neti .
And no ,you musn't swop tablets ! You'll be hyper .Tut tut.
I hope they sort it out for her though .It sounds underactive. Tiredness ,weight gain etc are all symptoms .
Once she's on the medication she'll be OK.
It's been a lovely day here ,if it wasn't for that biting wind .When you got out of the wind the sun was warm .
I'm off to bed .Up at sparrows tomorrow to go to the market .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight.

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Hello all, we had a busy day yesterday, went shopping in town, out for dinner to a nice French restaurant with my friend down the road and some of her chums, and very very late to bed. Today we put curtains up and got lost in the forest, driving not walking, huge fun.....
Will catch up tomorrow, oight oight all.
Morning all
Cold and dry .Looks bright out to sea though.
Hope you are all ok .Better shift and get ready to go and get some mangel worzels .Have a good day all,see you later.
Morning All. I hope you all have a good weekend. A lovely bright morning here, still cold, but thank goodness the wind has dropped a bit.
Off to fuschias for a cuppa then Sains. then this after Derby play Ipswich.
Hi Jno. I miss my 'jiving'. Haven't done much since my friend got married. I have to do it on my own with the kitchen door :)
See yer later 'gaters

Morning all or actually afternoon! Bright but chilly here. Town very busy (tourists I guess).

Both my feet are painful under the toes, I'm wondering if it is gout, heavens don't want to be limping about with cut out toes bits and a trolley.

Have received hija's new PIN number and money is now safety stashed away.
I am backing TARQUINUS for obvious reasons and Seabass (as I have a friend Sebas), but no money is changing hands, it's just for fun.
A'noon all...well, still chilly but a vast improvement out there, the wind has finally dropped and it was lovely in the sun. Plenty of people at the shops....mostly in the bookies. Not me, I want big returns for my pound, think lucky and all that. I saw Tarquinius neti and the other that caught my eye was 'across the bay'.

I've been eating chs and onion crsps which is asking for trouble but hey-ho, regardless of what's churning inside me, I only seem to sleep one night in three or four anyway.
Might go mad and sweep the patti-ho.
( snorts in disgust at choice of horses!)

anf telly wouldn't work (low cloud) and computer kept freezing!! Grr glad I did not place any money on any old nag!

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