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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 17:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Nei,no wonder you feel ick, that omelette is massive.
Can't get on again...
I'm getting a bit fed up now....
Anyway yes it is big Neti!! I read today that eggs are not bad for cholestorol then the other day I read they were. Also Butter just as good as Marge. So I'm beginning to think that everything is good for you in moderation.
Yes my mantra, everything in moderation, sometimes!

I had a job getting back on here, just wouldn't load, but OK now.

Sitting in bed on laptop waiting for Midwife and Mr Selfridge, am sort of watching DOI but not really.
What's DOI Neti..? I'm beet I appear thick now I've asked that.

Just had a lovely phone call from Steadier ...saying sorry he didn't send me a card. We had a lovely convo about how happy we both were about how things had developed and how we had got on over the last 12 years. That's all I'm going to say cos I know you'll know what I'm on about. Just had to tell you.
Just hope there's now problem getting this post on now. Oight Oight everyone.
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Jude, I have no idea either. Its nice when the family phones :-)
That's lovely jude!

DOI Dancing on Ice!

Shaney: Foyle's war is stafrting again soon on ITV.
Aww, wasn't Midwife lovely, I was worried there for a minute... Now for Mr Selfridge!
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I am glad that the TV series was more cheerful than the books. Don't get me wrong, the books are good but well more.....honest, less feelgood.
I love the books. But I remember in the 50's pregnant women wore smocks.
Wow that's some omelette Neti .It's made me feel peckish but I'll resist .
That's nice Jude .I bet that made your day .
I watched Mr Selfridge and the Midwives .I'm glad Chummy was OK .I know it's just a tele programme but I get all emotional :)
I felt so sorry for Mr Selfridge when they satirised him in that play ...and yes whoop whoop Foyle is back soon .Lovely Michael Kitchen .
It's no good I'll have to have some toast now ,with a cup of hot almond milk ,me hot bottle ,bed and book .
Blowing a gale here ,freezing and sleeting .Oight Oight all .Keep warm and safe .
Question Author
Its snowing here....It NEVER snows here....well apart from this year....and last year.....and three years ago.......anyway its also blowing a hooligan. Time for bed. Oight oight all.
Just lost a long post! grr.

Had a bad night cos hija kept staying out longer and longer, she eventually came in at 5am and she should have had blood tests at 7am but she is sparko! I cannot sleep when this happens, I worry!!

No snow here, not even close, am looking for spring clothes to wear.

Yes I liked Mr Selfridge, he is nice just cannot keep it in his pants.
I love her posh accent and the way that she interacts with the locals!
Miranda plays Chummy so well, she is so nice as a midwife.
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neti you email address is sending junk! will message you on facebook. its still snowing here and a thin coating has laid.
Morning...OH MY GIDDY AUNT! It's a real feel of MINUS 16C here!! Yes, and don't I know it, although it's bright and sunny it keeps snowing and the wind goes straight through your clothes. The poor sparras were all standing round peering into a frozen solid bath wondering what the hell happened.
My next knitting project...I'm adapting it for the laydeez.

Loved Mr S and Midwife...Dr Turner (Stephen McGann) and Sister Bernadette (Laura Main) have just been on morning tv. What lovely people they are and Laura's a beautiful woman. ....I felt for the Selfridge family too shaney.

oooh tater omelette, that's my kinda food neti. I'd have to pick out the onion if there's a lot of it though. I'd probably live on that if I came to Spain, I can't be doing with rubbery tentacles or mussels.
Morning all
Brrrr...real feel of -9C here .The snow has laid and it's blowing a gale .
Hope you are all Ok though .
I think this is going to be a soup and chs on tst day .
Lol Robinia ..can you knit mine in animal print please :)
Keep warm girls .
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Robi, that's some amazing Aran knitting but a bit itchy i would think.
That email was cancelled a while back, didn't know it was still active, yes I got aone from it too!
Well you'd need your cotton long johns underneath woofy it's true. We had a helish blizzard earlier and there's more on the way :(
Sorry to any biddies who are getting spam from me now, it is an old deleted account and even I cannot access it now, sorry!!

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