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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 17:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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Hello all
I was enjoying the sun but it's gone and it's snowing now .Only a flurry though and it's not quite so cold .
It should warm up considerably by the weekend,but it'll be raining .How cheerful .
Hope you are all Ok . spark went yonks ago .Perhaps I need to stick a wodge of tinfoil somewhere and hope it re-ignites :)
I haven't watched Broadchurch,Mayday or Lightfields .Which is unusual for me as I like a drama but they didn't appeal at all.
I'd better go and sort my pegs out .
They're like me ....odd and multicoloured :)
when I lived in England the fuse went in a plug, I would wrap it in foil and hey ho working again, or would put a big needle in place of the fuse, lethal I know but needs must in the good old days.

I am indeed a bodger, but it works most of the time!!

Went very dark and overcast here but sun is out again not, but by 'ecl it is chilly.

We are all casting about looking for ways to get Brit TV over here, I get Sky but not always!
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Two things I don't bodge with are gas and mains leccy! most other things are fair game.
lol Jude, I honestly don't remeber that ad but the eighties were a funny ole time for me.

It's a wonder we're all still and safety, what's that? Here you are shaney, I've customised your colander, I hope it puts the spark back into your butt kicking. :)
Poor shaney how is your broken fingernail, all sympathies
I'm sure I sent a post asking if anyone cld tall me how to put a youtube link on. I've lost it somewhere. anyway can any one help. I copy it into the space ^ but then I don't know how to submit it.
Lovely walk today to and from school with a great session with the youngsters. They all tried really hard when they knew there were some shiney stars to get. Of course they all get one!! :)
*Could tell
Jude after you've put the link in the box just click on 'submit' as you do when you've written a post.
Lol...Neti ..
They must wonder what we are rambling on about .
Seriously, I do hope your poor toe is OK xx

you could always put a matching peg on the end of it ...............runs
Yes run you cheeky blighter!! It is so painful today, and if it is gout, I will have it amputated!

Viva il papa!

Just had another "hunt the beef" stew, well times are hard, there was some in there somewhere! Dumplings were hugh and fluffy, no suet just baking powder. "Best stew yet" said hija and then moaned at the lack of meat!!
Thanks Robi just testing...If I only put the link in, it wont let me submit, so I've discovered I have to put a message on too.
Media URL:
So it still hasn't worked.
I've put the link in so now I'm going to click on submit Media URL:
I give up :(
Keep trying on here jude, it's the only way.
just thought I'd give it a try
I'll try again!!
Hooray!! I little bit of solo guitar and vocal by Steady.
Thanks Neti. I was using the share option on youtube instead of the web site address or whatever it's called :)

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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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