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Any Dubonnet drinkers?

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woofgang | 18:29 Tue 21st Jun 2011 | Drinks
1438 Answers
I have been a Dubonnet fan since i could legally drink nearly 40 years ago. I bought a bottle recently and it definitely tastes and smell different and not for the better. it me or have they changed it?


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My spark's gone. Well you suspected that... :)
I mean the one on the's not the battery, on close, and painful, inspection it looks like the spring that holds the battery has broken so it's loose in the compartment. Hey ho, I'll have to get some long matches and in the meantime singe the hairs on the back of my hand. Actually I might not cook again for a month, I spent most of the morning cleaning it...and that didn't include the oven. How come time goes quicker as you age unless you're doing housework, that takes ten times longer.
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Robi, that happened to my mum's spark. I padded out the gap between the battery and the remaining spring stub with a little folded wad of kitchen foil and it sparked on for several years
Come back to basics like we do here, no spark in the oven Just hold it in and light it with a match, hold for quite a long time, if it stays alight OK if not start over again and prop oven knob up with broomstick to cook in oven, and btw oven is only high or low!

Am catching up on Broadchurch, anyone watching it?
oh thanks woofy, that works does it? I'd heard of it but I didn't want to a shower of sparks every time I lit the oven :)

No Broadchurch for me neti, not keen on David Tennant anyway.
I didn't like David Tennant but he's ok in it, but it has shocked me to the core, more like Jeremy Kyle just could not belive the scene I have just witnessed.

The husband being interviewed in the back garden by the whirlygig washing line with different coloured pegs just hanging there obviously left out when washing is taken in, I am shocked and horrified !
clickety click
well so it does!! Thanks again woofy...If only my personal spark was that easy to restore.

oh no neti, I'm so sorry you've been traumatised. Wasn't there an announcement at the end 'Anyone affected by what they've seen can contact the oddpeg society' sort of thing?!
I almost pegged out - hahaha!
I'm sorry I have to say this, it's everytime I come on here from my desktop icon, readY!!

Do 'ave a dubonnet!!

There maybe now I'll get over it!
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I am not a diyer but I am a bodger of the first magnitude :-) DH was an Olympic standard bodger and taught me everything he knew. Delighted to hear that you aren't fond of David Tennant, all the more for me. I loved him as the Doctor, but like Matt Smith as well. I thought that David Tennant and Catherine Tate were magic together.
Its still flaming freezing here, hopefully warmer by thursday. We went to the beach today and sat in the car and watched the gulls. There haven't been any more poisoning cases so if its still quiet on thursday we will get out for a walk...was thinking about tomorrow but its going to feel like minus 7!!!!!!!
I went to look at the m and s sale online last night but the website was frozen...anyway looked today and the offers were pretty rubbish. heigh ho.

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I'm off now so oight oight Biddyfriends. Keep warm and be Happy!
See you tomorrow!
Fernandel??? woofy what??
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neti he was the do 'ave man.
wow woofy that's obscure!
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He had a lovely french comedians face....also I am a geek
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Didn't decide to stay up tonight and now I am nodding off. Oight oight all
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Good morning....Is everyone out enjoying the sun?
♫...Peggin'...I'm peggin' yoooooo oo oo....♫ :)

Morning all...a balmy real feel of minus 5C so far but at least it's sunny so I really must shove myself out the door shortly.

I'm not bad at bodging myself, my next job is to redo the sealant along the back of the bath, even bleach isn't moving the black spots any more, but I do know I'm not good at that.

♫...Ain't too proud to peg...♫
Good morning you sund in high spirits!

Lovely and sunny here although windy. My toe is so painful all last night and today, if this is gout don't think much of it!!

Our English TV over the internet has gone, copyright issues, am so peeved, although I can watch it from my sky box but reception isn't always too good!

At last off to pay one of hija's debts, it is never ending!

Good morning all. It's a lovely day today even though it's a bit on the cold side. School later for me. I've been and bought some shiney coloured star stickers for them. I give them all one cos they all work hard at their reading.
I do get the odd one that doesn't behave - in fact last week their teacher sent one to apologise to me cos he was a little terror.

My friend has been discharged by the consultant with regards to his hip. Really happy about that for him. Says it'll need checking in about 15 years.

I remember that Dubonnet man it was so funny. I love some of those ads. Do you remember the Smiths Crisps ad with the spuds singing to the tune of Bobbys Girl about how they wanted to be Smiths Crisps. I have a mug that plays that when you pick it up. It's worth about £6 on Ebay. About 1980s.

I really ought to clean my car now - so I'm off. Have a good day all. Laters 'gaters

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