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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
Hi all good day today. Tai chi and lunch. I've had a phone call from a friend of many years. We lived in the same street when we were children and we, me and Fuschia, meet up when we can with her and 2 other friends who lived there as well. It was an Avenue call Greenland. 2 of them still live there and the other lives in Lincoln and would you believe she comes over here to get her hair cut. So that's another lunch date at the end of January.
Thanks for telling me about ibuprofen. I think you may be right about the effect it might have on my tum as I still have to watch out even though it has erupted lately. I have a little pain on my left side if it is likely to happen and I just eat 'gently' for a few days till it goes away.
Going to watch BBC 1 at 9 tonight second part of forgotten what it's called but it was ok last night but not too worried if I fall asleep while it's on.

Have a good night all.
No it hasn't* erupted lately I mean !
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yes Jude, I would believe! My sister gets all her haircuts and perms when she visits me. Her hairdresser at her home retired and she couldn't find another as she doesn't drive, so I said try mine and she did and that was that.
I am still breathless, coughing and miserable. Its been five days now.
The crab and cockles were very tasty .I had them with a buttered bap and some salad .I hope they don't turn to mush :)
It sloshed it down here earlier too and it's turned very cold .They said we could get some snow flurries but even if we do I doubt it will lay about here for long .Hope not anyway.
I watched Michael Portillo earlier ,he's got a new series .Today he was in London and visited the Golden Syrup factory .He stood there eating it out of the tin,I was drooling :)
Chin up Woofy ,it will clear up but the cough might linger a while ,mine has but it's nowhere near as bad as it was.
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thanks shaney, I know it will, I just haven't had one as bad as this for more than 20 years. hopefully it will boost my immune system and I will be fine for another 20
I watched Portillo last night as he was in my neck of the woods but all he could find to do in Pinner was make cucumber ice cream, which I thought was a bit random. (The Heath Robinson Gallery might have been more interesting.) The information about Metroland was okay but I already knew most of it, I've even got John Betjeman's programme about it on DVD somewhere and I didn't think Portillo added a whole lot. I wouldn't mind seeing some of his wider travels, though; at the very least I could find out how many different coloured jackets he has.

You sound in a bad way, woofy, is it full-scale flu or just a really unpleasant cold? I could probably spare you a Halls Honey & Lemon sweetie.

Oh dear, now we've had a tornado down our way, and worse is to come
When we lived in London we used to get colds on a regular basis but just a normal cold, so to speak ,which soon cleared up. Since being here in the sea air we've not had one cold at all ,a little sniffle perhaps but nothing like this great whacker we've just had .This has been the pits !
Hope you get a restful night ,goodnight all.
I've watched all his journeys Jno and the continental ones .
This is the latest one ,he was in Scotland last week .
They're all out on DVD and I bought a couple of the Bradshaws guides(facsimiles)for Mr S which are very interesting to flick through .
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good morning all. Jno, even though I have been having a good old moan, I think its only a bad cold that I have got. I am just not used to having them this badly, or going on at full chat for so long.
Good morning all no snow yet but cold and frost on my car and I imagine very slippy walk to the paper shop when eventually get up. :)
2 losts posts!!

Morning all, was up at 6.30 and in Ibiza to have head xrayed. Mr N bless him took me in, waited bought brekkie and brought me home again aw bless. Xray dept was dark but I left my paper in the tray and waited. At 7.30 the lights all came on and a lot of people came in, so luckily I was first. A crowd of ill and dying laying around in the corridors, horrible. waiting to be xrayed they were.
Back home, house all hoovered and polished, I'm off now for coffee with gbf.
sun is out and I am sweting again!!
Morning all...I can't seem to get the house warmed up but it is a real feel of minus 6C out there!
Had a lousy night, weird dreams and then I kept waking up with terrible body and joint pains. It might have been the atmosphere and drop in temperature. It's going to get wild this afternoon, batten down the hatches.

That sounds like a grim start to the day neti...poor people in corridors, probably a bit like the UK. I'm not sure it gets that bad in Derby, I hope I never have to find out, but my hairdresser was telling me about some poor maternity care she'd witnessed.

KBO everyone...with my immune system I'm lucky if I can shake off anything in less than a fortnight.

I heard a snowflake was on its way south but it was arrested at Watford Gap and put back on a train nort,h so I should be safe. It is a bit parky, though
I have to explain that the dead and dying in the corridors weren't there all the time, just wheeled down to xray at the start of the day!!
Re: Halifax: Do you think she over reacted to the news of the new found son? Even though her husband had been unfaithful, it was before her time.
Re: Halifax: Do you think she over reacted to the news of the new found son? Even though her husband had been unfaithful, it was before her time.
Huh??? Maybe I repeated it as we are getting older and yoiu may not have heard or read my post! No idea!!
I heard you the first time neti....:)

Re Halifax - Celia does like to react first, think later. I think as much as the infidelity it's the fact that some of them knew before she did. If they were a lot younger I think she'd have good reason to react that way...but surely at his age and with a dodgy ticker he won't be bonking around Yorkshire the way his daughter does (although I appreciate being unfaithful doesn't have an age limit!) :)
I love Gillian, really earthy and yes, bonkers!!!
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I just think she has spent so long being braced for things to go wrong that she can't believe things will ever be right for her.....although having said that, I think he should have told her quickly!

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