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Canadian Club Sherry Cask Whiskey

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woofgang | 16:18 Sun 18th Aug 2013 | Drinks
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Dos anyone know where I can get this mail order please, my usual supplier doesn't seem to have any?
Just to be clear, I am not interested in alternates unless they are also a version of Canadian Club, or (and I mean this nicely) opinions on my taste in alcohol.

Many thanks


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Morning all...I was thinking what a lovely light morning it was and then I realised I'd slept late. Jude should have set her alarm :) Neti, re the baby, you have mail. I mentioned it yesterday afternoon. thwack! ....for not paying attention... I think this will be my song du jour...
10:24 Sun 11th Jan 2015
Take no notice Jude, what do men know about painting? :)
I've had the new next catalogue so I've been browsing that and mentally adding most of it to my basket. I'll need a whole new wardrobe for when I go to live in my seaside apartment...when I win the lotto :)

The sunshine didn't last long, I toddled to the shops again and managed to crash one of Boots' tills. Must have been my fault, everything's my fault.

New shoes shaney, but have you got a bag to go with them? :)
shaney, yes, the king's teeth are on display with the Magna Carta. Apprently they opened his tomb 200 years ago to check he really was there, and someone nicked two teeth and a thumb. The cathedral still has them but lending them out to exhibitions sounds weird; why don't they just bury them again? And there's an exhibition on the Duke of Wellington just starting too because it's the anniversary of Waterloo as well as Magna Carta. So I went to both of those and they were quite interesting but I'm staying home doing nothing special today, a bit of gardening and that's about all. No painting the town green. The weather's been nice though.
All the recent bickering' s turned the Ed grey. I love these
a deep thick fog has enveloped the next village, Brigadoon has nothing on us here. Hope flights are delayed, not that I am expecting anyone! Quite a chill in the air.

Off tomorrow for my ecogram if I can keep a full bladder for long enough!
Ah yes there's quite a few xx15 anniversaries this year .I read about it somewhere .It's 600 years since the Battle of Agincourt I think .That is weird really ,sort of grave robbing .Poor old John, lost his jewels and lost his teeth
I have a matching bag Robinia:)They're only plain black low cut pumps with a small wedge heel.I can't wear shoes with anything tight over the instep ,too painful on me bones.
They are so nice I may get the burgundy suede ones in the same style.
he's probably gone to a training camp in Afghanistan, Robinia
Haha, Ed's army.

Well, erm, how about a contrasting bag? I'm trying to assist you here shaney :)
I could get a matching scarf I suppose Robinia.Not too long a one though .I don't want to end up like Isadora Duncan .
There are some nice bags on the Clarks site though .Sit on your hands Shaney:)
Night all,sleep toight.

Goodnight all. Sleep Tight..
Good morning all, just getting ready to go to Ibiza for ecogram, have even painted toe nails cos you never know! Sunny weather has gonevand its chilly again. Catch you all later!
Good morning Everybiddy.

Hope all goes well Neti.
Morning all...what a grim one, dark, wet & windy.

Good luck neti, hope you're ok. I'm sure they'll appreciate your pedi effort.
an ecogram, is that solar-powered? It would take a while here but I suppose they're quicker in Ibiza.
Morning all
Brightening up now.Doesn't look very nice for the weekend though.
Hope you're all ok and good luck Neti .

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hello all, Today was the day when our bottles are collected and the jingly van scares Rab so we went out shopping to Marks and Waitrose. I have managed to find untreated sweet potatoes so I can sprout them to grow my own. You have to get organic ones grown in the UK as the american imports are treated to stop them sprouting in transit and to make them keep longer. Prince Charles seems to be growing them now so hopefully they will provide a royal crop!
Hi all, back. The ecograph man said all looked absolutely fine, nothing strange at all, whatg a relief. But what a nightmare getting there, the hospiutal moved to a new huge ginormous one next door (next door ha!) so I called yesterday to be told it was to be in the old hospital, so I was like a lone rabbit in the dark, only to be told that was erroneous, me and my full, very full bladder had to hotfoot it down the road, then to reception only to be told twas in another block, I was roaming about like a lost soul, but all the workers (when you find one) anyway alls well all were extremely helpful from cleaner to surgeon and guided me on my way. Eco fininished, all well and finished with a pee, thank the lord!

Walked very quickly to Ibiza centre to find I had missed the one o'clock bus, saw it sailing past! Had a quick coffee and croissant and got the half one bus. Very pleased to be home, going to the loo just cos I can!!
I'm pleased you found your way & you're ok neti. I hate being 'lost' in strange places....but at least that doesn't happen here, we're all joined by a long piece of string.

And from one pee to another...
Forget the sweet potatoes woofy and get busy growing peas....
That's good news Neti ,one less thing to worry about .
Ooh those look interesting ..I like peas but peas don't like me .
It's turned really icy cold here .I see there's been snow in some places.
We've just had a fish dinner from the chippy ,bread and butter and a cup of tea with it.
We know how to live it up here in Norfolk :)
Funny you should say snow shaney, as the sun was setting I thought how wintery it looked, just like a January afternoon. It had brightened up nicely here so I thought I'd have toddle outside...ha! I soon toddled back, it had turned very cold in the wind, it's a real red nose day. I'm a bit dizzy so I expect it'll be this change in air pressure.

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I like peas but maybe not in biscuits.....Out local chippy does a stunning pea fritter, its a ball of peas about the size of a cricket ball, dipped in batter and deep fried.
had a lovely dinner tonight, a proper home cooked roast chicken dinner.

neti I am glad that you didn't get lost and are ok and that the scans were ok. It must have been very worrying.

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