No starters. Pork tenderloin for dinner. Probably pudding some time after dinner as we'll be stuffed... I'm not allowed to help this year on account of us having roast mash last year as I forgot I left the potatoes on to par-boil, whoops! (I still plan on trying to help though! :c)
Smoked salmon and blinis for breakfast, not sure about dinner chicken fajitas is likely as I have a lot of avocados to get through won't have a pudding but might have some cheese in the evening.
LOL at CD....I'm trying that next year. We are travelling to Edinburgh to be with the grandkids and Son and DiL come round for lunch. No starter for us But everyone insists on Traditional Turkey with all the trimmings. I've made profiteroles for the kids, warm mince pies with cream for me and I've made a Pavlova (Raspberry) for everyone else. We normally eat about 3pm. Nibbles about 8pm and lots of booze.
For the first time in years, we are going elsewhere for Christmas Dinner (to my Son's) and I don't care what we have. It can be eggs and bacon, curry,anything. The great thing is that I won't have to lift a finger. Yeeeeahh
Worst part is I have to do the same again on Boxing day...well not Turkey, we go to my Son's and he likes me to cook the dinner..I've made it and frozen it so that's one less job for Boxing day
No starters, turkey and gammon with everything you'd expect, pudding will be individual pavlovas topped with honeycomb and chocolate sauce (thanks voddie) or passion fruit, xmas pud will also be up for grabs.
Its our turn to go to the in-laws for dinner, so not sure about starter, turkey and all the trimmings for lunch and I am making the dessert and taking it over - chocolate & grandmarnier roulade.
My Christmas meal is spread out throughout the day, I tend not to differentiate between brekkie, lunch and dinner. I will start off with garlic mussels in a white wine sauce, then some pate on toast a and a prawn cocktail later. Under protest, we will then have turkey (I wanted chicken or duck) with most of the trimmings, followed by cheese and biscuits a little later on. And because we are classy, oh so classy, we shall snack on little nibbles such as Pringles, cheese straws and twiglets.