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Bubble & Squeak

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sherrardk | 20:40 Fri 08th Mar 2013 | Food & Drink
29 Answers
What would you serve with bubble & squeak? (Going to have to make it from scratch as there is never enough leftovers to make another meal with.). Thanks for any ideas.


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Crispy bacon and a poached egg...yum :)
Baked beans and cold meats, with lashings of HP or Branston.
bacon chops
corn beef
I often make it with Lincolnshire sausages and lots of onion gravy - delish!
what is bubble and squeak - since i am on here - i know I can google it but please let me know how to make it even - may not like it of course.
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I love bacon chops but they are so hard to get round here, even asked in butchers shops and they just don't do them. Thanks for the ideas - looking like bacon/ham and beans then (we don't really do eggs).
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Conne - I think it is mashed potatoes and cabbage, made into little cakes and fried. Others might have different views in it.
Bit of onion too Sherr. You can use sprouts as well, just dont make the mash too sloppy.
I'd agree with Sherr, but can have lots of variations depending what green veg is available. Similar to colcannon or champ really.
thanks sherrardk - apart from being fried into little rounds - it would be known in NI as Colcannon - same as Champ which has spring onions/scallions as we know it.
You were mentioning bacon chops and finding them difficult to get - I think I may have seen them in Sainsburys last week - I am sure I did - have a wee look you are in
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You're welcome Conne, just trying the little peeps on different stuff (but not too different as I don't want anyone going hungry). They are excellent eaters and love their veg so just trying to stop things getting boring.
Logs your posting got there before me
you can add any veg sher including carrots and peas
So I see Conne! I knew you'd know what I mean if I said champ. It sounds nice - what would you serve it with?
Toad in't hole with b&s.
Logs are Lincolnshire sausages nice cos I do find some sausages rotten even from the best of butchers
with champ - Dennys sausages cos I am sure of them, lovely bacon and maybe a pork chop - delish too.

My mum used to serve champ on a Friday with her own battered fish - magnificio
logs - do you make your own onion gravy cos I would love to

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