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Cold Mashed Potato

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Tilly2 | 20:00 Thu 16th Jan 2014 | Food & Drink
53 Answers
Mr Tilly always peels too many potatoes and I have a half saucepan of mashed potatoes left from last night's dinner. There's enough for another meal but we are having a salad tonight and don't want mash with that.

Will they be o.k. to eat tomorrow with a beef casserole? They are now in a bowl in the fridge.


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Yep...they'll be fine.
Oh yes. Delicious. Best hangover food ever. Cold mash straight from bowl, pan or tupperware. Not from bin though.
We do. It's nice fried up.
Turn them into patties and fry them off yum-diddly-umptious!
I love having left over mash, fish cakes and bubble springs to mind.
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Can I microwave them tomorrow?
Yes, it'll be fine tomorrow, you can re-heat in the microwave. I also freeze mash that's left over it's a good stand by.
If you decide to reheat it as 'mash' add more butter as it will have dried out a little.
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If I saute some leeks, will I be able to add them to the potatoes and make a nice bubble and squeaky sort of thing?
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.....more butter, shoota?
or milk.
Yep, sweat leeks and mush together with pots and then fry off. If you have a touch of mustard to add to the usual seasoning even scrummier!
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milk, it is.

Righto, thanks all. I shall decide tomorrow what to do with them.
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That sounds nice, Eccles. I might do that.
Do you not use butter when making mash then Till?
Type Your Answer Here...Oh, absolutely... we keep them around for maybe a week if wekk refrigerated...

Ever try a cold mashed potato sandwich? Just spread about 1/2 inch of cold mashed potatoes between two slices of bread (sourdough is best), top with a thick slice of any mild onion, et voila!
I was watching Michel Roux Jnr making mash. He more or less uses the same amount of butter as there is mash and no seasoning...
i would fry them up to have with scrambled egg for brekkie..yum yum
Cold mash, salad cream, croutons and mini cooked chipolata sausages. Yummy.
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No, shoota, I don't put butter in my mash. I do use milk, though.

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