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What Have You Never Eaten

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slinky.kate | 16:13 Sat 01st Mar 2014 | Food & Drink
85 Answers
chicken legs(can only eat breast)
there are loads of things,i think I'm a fussy eater,are you????


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Ah Dougie, you got there first....
this is what i was told

Foie gras French for "fat liver") is a food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened. By French law,
foie gras is defined as the liver of a duck or goose fattened by force-feeding corn with a gavage, although in Spain and other counties outside of France it is occasionally produced using natural feeding.
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had alligator on holiday in florida last year, never had black pudding don't intend to either mrs c loves it!
I've never eaten dog.
But if she doesn't get off the back of the bleedin sofa I'll be having confit of Cocker tonight.......
i liked octopus, squid, and most fish, but had swordfish once which gave me food poisoning,
had kangaroo steak, that was nice,
I have a foie gras factory at the end of my rue.
shoota BIG LOL
there are worse things to eat than foie gras, so with the exception of that (and possibly donkey, but then who hasn't?), I've never eaten any of these
I`ve never eaten any insects. I was offered some nice, crispy fried grasshoppers in Mexico a few weeks ago but I declined. Apparently, they taste like peanut skins.
Love lobster.
Would never eat brains.
Liver is alright.
Only eat chicken legs, not keen on breast.
I've eaten all those things except brains - my dad used to love a cooked sheep's head, bleah.

We used to have sweetbreads when we were little, and all sorts of offal, as being nourishing and cheap - I still love offal.

I don't understand the chicken leg thing, kate - it's still the same chicken :-)
Haggis, just don't fancy it even though I'm Scottish!
I bet you have Shoota. Hot dog.
like haggis, don't like sweet potatoes, odd taste
Glad I am not the only one to dislike sweet potatoes.
Have always tried food offered to me but cannot swallow tripe, brains or jellied .
eels! The thought made me stop.
I don't think I've eaten tripe or brains.

There are a few things I choose not to eat but can't think of many I'd refuse.

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