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Cake And Gluten

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Greedyfly | 21:25 Thu 06th Mar 2014 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
I make a mean Victoria Sponge and it is a friends birthday in a few weeks but he is Gluten Intolerant. Can I just swap out the gluten for gluten free ingredients? Do they work in a similar way or should I look for a specific Gluten free recipe?




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Gluten provides 'elasticity' to baked products. Simply replacing an ingredient containing gluten with one that doesn't will result in a sponge that has a different (and probably inferior) texture to what you normally achieve. You need to adjust the other ingredients accordingly, so you should seek out a proper 'gluten free' recipe. This one has excellent reviews:
cake.aspx" title="Link to provided by user" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
or, for ease of finding the ingredients, you could try Tesco's one:
cake.html" title="Link to provided by user" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
Er, whatever happened to my links there?

Let's try again!
cake.aspx" title="Link to provided by user" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

cake.html" title="Link to provided by user" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
This is getting silly!

One last go:
Tell him to provide his own cake - life's too short........
I bake gluten-free cakes for a local tearoom. I use my normal Victoria sponge recipe replacing the self-raising flour with gluten-free self-raising flour. I have been told the sponge is light and tastes lovely. It is,however,a different texture to a regular Victoria sponge. If you buy a gluten-free sponge from any supermarket,they do tend to be a bit crumblier than a regular sponge.
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Thanks Guys for your answers, will give it a go

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Cake And Gluten

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