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Qanyone Else Fed Up With Veganuary?

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diddlydo | 16:14 Sun 14th Jan 2018 | Food & Drink
52 Answers
If someone chooses to be a vegan and deny themselves the rich variety of food on offer that's up to them. However, I'm more than fed up with newspapers pushing veganism etc. There's now a vegan pub in Hackney apparently where they call dishes things like vegan "chicken" - if vegans so despise meat-eaters why on earth do they want to call a dish by a meaty name?


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Anyway, what is so great about having pointy ears anyway ?
According to the NHS, only 2% of the British population are vegetarians, and only 1% are Vegans.
HC, the quiet ones are the best because you wouldn't know. It's those tha try an impose their opinions and views that do my head in, whilst tucking into a steak. (Not that I have steak that often)
Mikey //Best ignored//
I think that it behoves us all to know exactly what we are putting into our mouths and make our own minds up after educating ourselves. Ive done shed loads of research and I'm not convinced that eating meat is healthy for the human body (unless starving of course) Meat is pumped full of hormones etc, and the animal is often treated appallingly during its life. And yet I'm still a meat eater but at least an educated one, for others it might make them question just what they are putting into their mouths.
This is first time I've ever seen the word "Veganuary", so I can't say I'm fed-up with it.

It's a very silly word though.
Do vegans niggle at your conscience, Ark?
Nailit.....I have a certain amount of sympathy with the vegetarian cause. I, too, am not happy with some of the means of production of food in Britain. I try to avoid non-free range chicken and eggs for instance.

But veganism is just plain daft.

A vegan once told me that there is no such thing as free range chicken, and yet I bought some eggs on a farm in Pembrokeshire this week, and the chickens were so free range, I nearly ran 3 over, on leaving the farmyard.
I find it quite sad that these people hate cows, sheep, pigs etc so much thay they want them all to be killed for nothing because it's an absolute certainty that, if we stopped eating them, all those animals would be killed and disposed of.
Its a portmanteau word Lie in King, and a marketing invention :::::
Well my roast beef, roast potatoes Yorkies and gravy are ready ,so I'm off for a while.
Mikey, I know where ur coming from (and don't forget that I'm a meat eater saying this) but you cant honestly say that veganism is just plain daft on the remark of just ONE vegan??
Nailit...your reasons are also the reasons why "clean eating" has taken off in popularity. Not just vegan/vegetarian obviously, but also paleo/primal...both of which encourage eating organic and pastured meat that is handled in an ethical manner to get it onto our tables. It's just a shame that it's priced out of most folks reach.
I don't think I could ever cut meat/fish/poultry or dairy out of my diet...I believe humans evolved to eat meat,and, we evolved *because* we ate meat.
No Nailit, I can't but I have met a few others.

Not many of course, but there again, they are a little thin on the ground after all !
All those grazing/poohing cows,sheep,pigs etc also contribute to the balance of nature...they make good fertile soil.
Pasta....very good point. I can recall seeing an Attenborough program and a very good assertion that it was only when we started eating meat, that we made the great leap forward in progress. If we were still all eating seeds and fruit, we would still be living in trees.
I'm not fed up with it as it hasn't affected me - I have never been harangued or bored by a vegan, some of you must meet some odd balls.

Each to their own.
HC, nope not at all... they probably have a secret stash of sausages anyway.
Pasta, yes, ive had similar conversations with you in the past about this (palio diet etc) At the moment I'm playing devils advocate here.
//meat that is handled in an ethical manner to get it onto our tables//
I'm at a loss has to how we can slaughter an animal 'ethically'.
As for dairy, I know of no other animal that intentionally drinks another animals milk. Or drinks milk beyond infancy.
As I said, just playing devils advocate here...I currently eat meat and drink milk. Just coming to the conclusion that it isnt neccessarily right, ethical or needed.
(Im probably wrong as usual...just trying to see all sides)
they are a little thin on the ground after all

how would you know, mikey? All you know about is the ones who tell you. And you're imagining that that's all of them. Rather unscientific!

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