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Food We Hated

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Dagman | 12:39 Thu 27th Aug 2020 | Food & Drink
78 Answers
Hi ab'ers, I'm sitting here munching pickled gherkins, absolutely love them, however up until 5 years ago hated them! Have you a similar food you once hated but now love, or even the other way round?


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As children my sister and I used to eat raw rhubarb dipped in sugar.
The thought of it makes me feel quite ill now.
Cabbage: hated it now love it.
Chicken: loved it now hate it.
Raw onion is nature's antiseptic. Even better when steeped in vinegar. I always try to eat a piece a day. Haven't had a cold for 10 years.
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Yes, rhubarb with sugar, we did that, dint think I'd lije to now, another was gooseberries and sugar! I also hated cabbage and brussels, not now.
I also have acquired a taste for olives, Although I hated them on the first time I tried them.
I've always loved olives. Tins of mild black Californian olives alwats appeared at Christmas or when we had visitors. Now I like them strong...Sainsbury's do Moroccan dry black olives that l love.
I hated fresh ginger when I was a younger cook, then started to love it.
I don't think I had avocados until my first visit to the UK in 1980. Liked them them several times a week now.
Hated cheese when I was a kid, now love trying different types.
Avocados are great with hard dough bread
Used to make sugar butties as a kid - oh God the thought now!
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Sugar sandwiches, my dad liked those! I like salad cream sandwiches. Probably discovered that when there wasn't much in the fridge :)
Use to puke at the sight and taste of parsnips. Until i ate em mashed with spuds and carrots.Back in Jan tried them roasted in a sunday roast, yum yum!!
If someone loved the taste of damp soil why would they go all the way to the shops to buy butternut squash?
Tongue of beef, and veal. When young, but never would even consider it now.
I hate marzipan and beetroot. Hated marmite as a kid but love it now.
As a child I was given tripe by my English Nana and I loved it cold with salt and vinegar.

I tried it a few years ago and it was disgusting.
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Some foods suggested I've never tried such as tripe, another I saw on Dads Army was brisket, some kind of offal? I get the impression they were a basic food people got used to out of necessity. Butternut squash, doesn't live up to it's name for me either. Love parsnips but only honey roasted.
Brisket is a cut of beef, not offal, very nice too.
Mustard. I couldn't stand it as a child - now it's essential in ham sandwiches for example.
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Thanks all, great answers, very interesting!
Olives. I made a determined effort to learn to eat them when I went to live in France. Now I love the green ones (still 'iffy' on the black ones).

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