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Name A Dish/Food/Meal That You Just Cannot Cook Or Perfect!

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Smowball | 17:32 Sun 22nd Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
38 Answers

Up until today mine was poached eggs! No matter what I did they either came out uncooked or hard boiled lol. Gave up even trying them. Till I found this method online lastnight, tried it today and hey presto- perfect poached eggs! 
So what is your food demon!??

( BTW for the eggs - 3-4 inches water in saucepan,bring to full simmer, then turn down to  low simmer. Add tbsp white vinegar to water - to set the whites. Crack egg into cup then slide slowly into water. Repeat with as many eggs as you need. Put lid on, turn heat off and leave for exactly 4 mins. Lift cooked eggs out of water!)



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That's how I cook them but I put salt in the water, not vinegar.  Easy peasy

I can't make 'proper' gravy, it comes out a greasy, nasty mess

Thai food.  I`ve never had a problem with poached eggs though.  I just use a small saucepan, put a couple of inches of pre boiled water in it and crack the egg into it.

Dry roasted water.

I like eggs cooked in different ways except for poached ones!
My demon is risotto - never seem to get it creamy.

I don't dabble as much as I used to I can cook quite a few things, without the aid of method etc.

However I've only tried a few times baking stuff Cakes, Biscuits since domestic science classes in middle school (Mixed sex 10-13 yrs) They turned out fine in class... but since nah give it a miss thanks.

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Dry roasted water lol!

Thanks Smow, I'll try that trick. Sometimes I can poach them perfect and sometimes it's a disaster, usually end up with one sticking to the bottom of the pan, and then busting the yolk trying to get it out.


Mashed potatoes. Mine always has lumps.

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Let us know how you get on netherfield! 
Clover - what do you use, just a regular masher? I do, then quickly go thru it with a fork.

Macaroons.  I am locally known as the meringue queen for various meringue based desserts I knock out but I cannot cook a macaroon to save my life.  I no longer try.

You need a ricer ^

^ I agree.  A friend of mine has a potato ricer and the results are silky smooth

Netherfield, get a potato ricer.  And never boil the spuds, only ever simmer or steam,

Barry, trick is to drain as much fat off as you can.  Try pouring the pan juices into a jug lined with a handled, plastic food bag.  Then hang the bag from your kitchen cupboard. The fat will rise to the top.  Make a tiny hole in the bottom  of the bag to let out the juice and stop it before you get to the fat.  Then thicken with flour and add booze, stock etc etc.

Have a google, there a loads from cheap to expensive User Recommendationref=asc_df_B07GWS5NHY/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=697183346532&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=14900736130409240352&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1006567&hvtargid=pla-701450818078&psc=1&mcid=f13efe389aed3196bf06a0d9106a6fe3&gad_source=1

Must type faster....  The ricer posts were not there when I started typing.

And sorry, that should have been CloverJo and not Netherfield.

My poached eggs are amazing and I never put salt, vinegar or lemon juice in the water.

I cannot make a curry!

Do I put my eggs through the ricer before poaching?😂

Thick rump steaks. 

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