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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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My 26 yr old nephew has passed his phd and can now call himself dr. That's just incase anyone understands it. I dont! I thought Quark was a cheese but apparently not in this case. So proud of him!
good god, now I can't even undertand the title of a thesis, never mind the contents.
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I have no idea what that must be good stuff.
Oh dear was hoping someone would explain it me! Its his mother who is the mayor of Gloucester. I do think I should borrow Shaney's tiara!
And I have come out in sympathy with jno. Had leg cramp last night! Ouch. It's still windy here which is keeping the heat down . Went out in my car for brekkieand it wouldnt start to come back! Mr N and I were trying to push it and luckily two strongmen helped and got it started. Think we need a new battery.
Did I tell you that tesco (the food co) is opening in Ibiza on 30 June! Will need a reliable car for that!! ( oh and money!!) Wish we could get F&F clothing too!!
the Large Hadron Collider found a Higgs Boson, didn't it? So they must be something very up to date. More useful than my degree in medieval German, anyway.

memo to self: you can look up bosons much more quickly if you don't type "bosoms".
Morning all
Bit overcast after a lovely day yesterday.
Well done to your nephew Neti.You can borrow a tiara anytime.Would you like matching earrings?
I'm a quark expert too.I love it on thick toast with apricot jam but have to watch that I don't get any down my bosons.
Hope you're all well.
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hahahahaha shaney. Morning all its grey humid and polleny here.
Morning all...cloudy and storms are forecast, it's the right atmosphere for it. It turned so warm yesterday and it's polleny here too. A large branch high up in the robinia has split so it's a job for the big boys. Tut. No online shopping for me for a while then. :(

You don't know what quarks are? Don't you hang on the gorgeous Prof Brian Cox's every word? Ok, most of the time I haven't a clue what he's on about but I like watching him say it. :) I don't think he'd be very impressed by my bosons though, haha.

Ozzy's birthday today, wish they were here.
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Robi are you going to do a support bubble?
Bosoms are.much more interesting than bosoms I.shouldnimagaine.yes nephew did work at CERN on the hadron for part if his education.
Weve just been for arrive in working g van and has a coffee in Sta Gertrudis. Was so nice to be out and about although we are not officially free until 22nd June
I cant believe we have almost got.tbrough it safely although must still take care. We have hand sanitizer at gate and front door and in the house. Mr N is concocting a coconut rice and chicken dish.
Damn it corrected itself. Bosoms are more I interesting than bosuns. Damn thing!!
Has anyone seen The Staircase? It's going on a bit too long but do you think he did it.or not??
some bosuns are ok

Had a friend round for lunch yesterday. She's bought an entire new wardrobe (not the cupboard, the contents). A year ago she was told she was diabetic, and hated the idea so she immediately went on a diet. Now she's lost 6 stone and is no longer diabetic, so well done her and no wonder she needs new outfits.

We've eaten outdoors for two days now but it looks as if it will be raining most of the week when it's not thundering.
afternoon each....calm and cloudy/sunny intervals here. We had a bit of a storm yesterday, but only one overhead clap of thunder. I quite like hearing it rumbling in the distance.

Support bubble? Hmmmm...? How will I choose? Time (theirs not mine) and location is a factor. There's been a lot of support going on around here this weekend, cars coming and going, the traffic up and down the road's been very busy. My garden is open to any visitor whether it's aginst the law or not. It can't possibly be worse than getting on a bus or queueing outside Primarche.

Boris says it's our duty to shop but I've temporarily run out of clothes options so I ordered a side table for my hallway yesterday. It's only Dunelm but it's the right size, it's got a nice deep drawer to keep my balaclavas in during the winter.

Hello all. Hope you are all ok.
We've given up eating outside as the wind always gets up and it's annoying. Its lovely here today .
Hope Ozzy had a good birthday!
Car had a new battery and is now up and running!
Afternoon all
Not a bad day really,warm and sunny,cloudy intervals.
I haven't seen The Staircase Neti.I watched a mini drama series on Netflix yesterday,The Woods,one of those Harlen Coben things.It was very good although it was in Polish so had to use subtitles.
I've been shopping for myself on line today.I don't take lectures on "duty" from Boris :)
Bought a lemon reamer as I can't find the one I had and the Principles dress in the other colour was back in stock so bought that.
Very tempted by a huge reduction on a leather bag but I resisted.
I won't be queuing up in proper shops any time soon.I couldn't stand for long enough anyway.I just want my hair cut and some fish and chips.
Hope Ozzy enjoyed his birthday Robinia and that you could a least chat on Facetime or something.
I'm assuming Ozzy had a very good birthday because the only reply was late in his day to say he was a bit worse for wear. Tut. They never learn :)

No, I've no intention of shopping in person either, it's a right rigmarole apparently, but I'm willing to keep calm and carry on clicking.
Rats, my six-month old computer is stuffed. The computer man says a disc has got corrupted, so I’ll have to call the sellers tomorrow - they’d already closed not long after 5 tonight though they’re usually open till 11.

He and his wife think they’ve had the virus but can’t be sure as nobody would test them . He had it three weeks but it was six for her. But even when he sent them photos of her turning blue because she was struggling to breathe, still nobody would see her. Sounds very scary indeed.

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