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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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Fingers crossed then jno, here's hoping all is ok.
You reminded me about my results so I've just called and thankfully all is normal. No shouting about cholesterol this time. I'm sorry to say I haven't made any major changes to my diet so maybe it's one of those things that fluctuates without any particular intervention. My brother-i-l got his down without doing anything drastic, I think they're in too much of a rush with statins sometimes.

Look out world, woofy's on the road again....
Hija has just ordered this for me online
And this one whichI already have in a darker course which I dislike. Lovely and cool
Mine results are good or bad and I dont do anything different. The only thing that worries them is my kidneys but I'm all co fused as to what to and not to do with them. I pee ergo they are working!!
Had hair cut tidy. Not spikey, its all geometric and coming over one side of face. It'll he awful when the sweating starts. But can always go back to spikey. It's very short at back and sides.
Well done woody for going for a drive. I went.for I e yesterday as havent driven since lockdown and that March 14th. But I seemed to go through the correct motions and returned in one piece!
That's good news Robinia and let's hope you get a good result too Jno.
It's been raining here but just patchy drizzle,no downpours.
I've just remembered I did buy something that was non essential a while ago.A rotating hairbrush from Amazon which is the best thing ever.
I'm off to look round the shops but First Direct won't let me spend my own money.Their security is like Fort Knox and I'm required to enter a code for all cards,credit and debit before I check out on sites that don't accept PayPal.
They send me a code to enter via a text message to a number that they appear to have but I've never had. This means Mr S having to put my purchases on his card which also means he can see what non essential items I buy. I told him the dress was needed for my well being :)
Shaney that's why hija puts my shopping on her card as Mr N would say 2 new dresses are not necessary! I think they are !!!
ooh neti, you sleeveless animal!

Shaney, I used to have that trouble with a Visa card. It really was trouble as I don't have a phone to receive codes by text. It wasn't the fault of the card issuer in that case, it was the retailers who chose which security system to use, and some were okay, but I couldn't tell which ones before checking out. But basically I had to start using a Mastercard for online purchases instead because nobody seems to want to do them by codes.
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We had a lovely drive and all back in one piece...subsequently worked out its more than a year since I last drove, happily car fine and I hadn't forgotten how. Rab is ok, found it a bit over exciting so we didn't stay out was quite warm in the car too, even with the ac on. Anyway I had a lovely chat with my best friend down the road when she brought my passport papers back...I have had to do a paper application with paper photos and stuff and a real live person to write down that she knows me. Maybe I will get a passport by this time next year.
I need a new passport but have to apply online and we are not allowed to while lockdown is on!
Well done on driving. Didnt realise you hadnt in a year! Wow!
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neither did I Neti till I thought about it (realise it had been that long) Shughy got iller and more frail, we were all quite happy at home together and it was one of those things that just happened. I did realise that we weren't going out regularly so I started running the car to keep the battery charged and moving it a bit to stop the tyres going mishapen. I kept thinking that the next week he would improve a bit more and we'd go for a drive but we just didn't.
I can't do an online application because my old passport, which I lost, I think it accidentally got shredded with other confidential papers, is too old to be on the passport office's electronic record. This means paper application, paper birth and marriage certs, real photos and writing on the back and on the form by someone who knows me.
Afternoon all
Plenty of rain here now and hail but it's trying to brighten up.We've had the heating on.
I think I might get apply for a Mastercard Jno.That's what Mr S has.It would make life easier for when I roam around the shops in the dead of night and put something in my basket only to find it's out of stock the next day when he goes to pay.
Glad you enjoyed your drive Woofy.I bet you were glad to get out for a while.My passport has now run out and so has Mr S's.I'm not too bothered about renewing mine but he needs his for Brexit registration.This means a trip to the German embassy though and that's not possible atm.
My dress arrived and I'm very pleased with it.Long time since I had a nice summer dress.I went to buy the same one in a different colour,put it in my basket and then got the out of stock message.Tut and double tut.
Hope you're all well.
right, I think I can see what's happend. We've actually had summer and spring in the wrong order. Easy mistake to make, especially when you're getting on a bit, like God.
My dresses were paid priority and should taken5-12 days ha! First China has to make them and beggar then up. I am nervous but I bought one last summer and it's fine.
At the back of house there is a small set of flats. Nasty cheap things as we watched them being built. Today chap in the middle one has been hammering and banging and our house has been shaking and so loud. OH and hija dont dare to confront anyone so muggins clambered up the hill and him. At first he was very abusive and said I was badly badly badly educated. I pointed out quietly that I was a teacher that shut him up. I calmly went on to ask how long he was going to be hammering
He changed tack then and became nice. Showed Me his flat oh ah nice said I ( I know when to crawl). Explained that his yard got flooded when it rained and he was in putting another drain. Well done said I and I understood perfectly. He said that our roof was full of crap so he showed me and there is our satellite dish and a water tank. Nothing we can do I said and it was there long before he rented his flat so no moaning now. That shut him up! All this in Spanish so I was well pleased as with some dialects it's hard. So all sorted! He asked how long I had been here and did I rent the house. When I told him 49 years and we owned the house outright it seemed to take the steam out of him!
blimey, it's been thundering and lightninging and hailing and pouring here. Thank goodness I'd got back inside after finishing watering the garden...
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sounds like you had an exciting day Neti. Robi I am glad to hear that your non diet has had a good effect :)
Hah Jno, you should know by now that watering makes it rain. Its just been blooming cold here and windy. Shaney its been blooming cold here too and yes you need your own card!
I only have a cash card from Santander as my bank is English and I'm abroad! I do have a c/card but it's our joint account and as I dont put any money in I am careful what I take out!
Had a.nice day
We drove to Es Cana the next village and went for a hike along a cliff crumbly high up path I was terrified of slipping
We walked back on the road . Stopped.for a couple of beers and tapas and came home. It was so nice to see people out being almost normal but still socially distancing.
Tomorrow we Phrase 4 which is almost normal. Clubs can open but not the dance floors so I shant bother!
I've lost track of where we are, neti, but we'll just be carrying on as before (except for blood tests). Supermarkets are open, and the bakery and the chip shop are too, but nothing else seems to be round here. Besides, it's got quite wintry again, so no gardening or sunbathing.
It was so hot today and now it's cool and raining

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