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maple syrup products

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woofgang | 10:17 Wed 16th Oct 2002 | Food & Drink
1936 Answers
does anyone know where I can buy maple sugar, cream and butter from a uk mail order company? I know I can get it straight from Canada and the US but the p and p and customs make this very expensive.


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now how did that post twice? Magic.
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two rats?
Hello. I will type this very carefully. This morning very early the council came and rectified the road sign so at least we exist again for a while! It is still in a ridiculous place where only we residents can see it so its pointless but logic here doesnt exist! Anyway. It hot but also there is a breeze. Collected laptop and all seems fine except theres nothing g left on it, I did expect that but was hoping! And miracle of miracles I have managed to re install my wifi printer . It prints slightly off centre and I guess it easy to adjust but its beyond me.
Hija is bashing away in the kitchen making thai fish cakes!
Hope you all are ok

Last week we parked in Sta Gertrudis and there was a beautiful dead field mouse or rat but it had a lovely dark colour and cute round ears. It was either a big mouse or small rat but very pretty!!
Morning. It's one if those days! Had planned to take hija out for lunch but now no wifi so have to stay in a wait for technico to come and install a new modem.
Had to clean all our plug holes and there an awful smell. I use baking soda and vinegar agar and hot water, seems to have worked but who knows as we are not connected to a sewer! We may need emptying!!!
our rodent has been rubbing its nose up against the French windows and we have decided it's a big mouse rather than a small rat. But it means we can't leave the door open to let some air in on these hot days. We may have to invest in a Kalashnikov, unless tomorrow's thunderstorms wash it away.
Bit extreme isnt it jno, slight overkill! Poor mouse
oh, this is the humane way, neti! User Recommendation
Good whateverdayitis.
Woo it's hot, too hot to be outside, at least 29C, so I thought I'd drop by and see what's happening. Hope you're all ok.
Things are moving around here, the window cleaners came yesterday which was appreciated, the view of my grounds was a tad foggy.
My hairdresser's on her way back too...yay. I wonder if a bottle of Blue Nun will tempt her to put me top of the list?

If I lived in another country I wouldn't want the Brits piling in. I'm not happy about this travelling, it's way too soon. I'm happy chez's been noted how well I've coped during this which is nice, I can keep calm and carry on when required.

Another straggler reporting for duty.The weather's glorious.
A man came to mow,strim and generally tidy up and the garden looks quite nice again.I've had two visitors in the garden socially distanced.My brother.who looks like the mad professor ,his hair is so wild and my niece. So nice to see them.I won't be going pubbing,clubbing or shopping anytime soon.I shall err on the side of caution for a while yet apart from going for a hair cut in a couple of weeks time.
That might be a woodmouse Jno.We used to get them in the garden and they used to eat the peanuts out of the bird feeders.They've got sweet little faces and were comical to watch.
I'd be piddled off too Neti if holiday makers brought their germs in after you've been locked down.Bad enough here with them all swarming back onto the beach.
Otherwise same old.Hope you are all well.

Yay two very nice technicos came and fitted in a new modem. When I was on the phone to them you get special quicker treatment if you are over 65 so I said I was 76 and the operator was so nice she spoke to me like a child all slowly and no verbs. We got on fine!
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the benefits of age! I have had two nosebleeds today on account of the weather such a nuisance.
Oh dear woofy do you suffer from nosebleeds?
Hija and I went out for lunch, I had these huge delicious gambons (prawns) about 4 inches long each and then cordon blue which I brought home.
Now with new modem damn.peinter wint install again as I have absolutely no idea. Was only just before lockdown that I paid €35 to install it first time!!
I did type cordon bleu
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no I don't get them regularly Neti. Not even once a year, just when its hot and I do to much stuff too early in the day or the pollen count is high..then of course once its bled once there is a weak spot so I have to be careful for a day or so. I forgot that alcohol can trigger a second one and sat down with a nice glass of wine before dinner which was plain stupid. last night we had a load of rain so nice cool day here today
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ooo that reminds me, have got some king prawns in the freezer......
another day of thunderstorms none of which happened. There was some drizzle which will do the garden some good, but a nice heavy downpour, at about 3am, would be welcome.
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good morning all, yes we have had "enough" rain ie no need to get the hose out, but i wouldn't say no to some more!
Good day all. How are you all?
Sunny sunny sunny! As hija is leaving on Friday we are going out for a paella as she loves them and we havent had one in all lockdown. Once she has gone back to Barña all be back in the quiet life of not going anywhere. Covid cases are shooting up again in Spain but only one in Ibiza but who knows! It's hard to remember that its still out there!
Tesco opens here on 30th June but I'll wait a while as it will be busy!
Morning storms here either, just very windy with the occasional downpour. Hopefully after this week thing look more settled and comfortably says Accu. Hmmmm...

Oh dear, these sales will keep on appearing in my inbox and I just can't avoid having a peek. Today's obsession is Monsoon, I've got 3 skirts, 3 blouses and three dresses on a short(?) list. Sigh.

Ailment du jour - I've got a bit of raggy skin next to my nail and I know if I pull it it'll rip up to my elbow. Things could be worse. :)
Hope you're all ok.
Robi hi cant you just clip it with nail scissors?

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