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Chilli Recipes

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ChilliSpice | 15:41 Sat 05th Aug 2006 | Food & Drink
13 Answers
Hi there

My conservatory has paid for itself in tomatoes, peppers and chillis this year - fantastic crop - but does anyone have any good recipes for using them - anything from a chilli to a pickle would be most appreciated. Thanks.



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Try having a look through these:

You many need to run specific searches on the harvest one, just enter chilli and you'll get loads of recipes!

I made a big pan of Habanero jam yesterday, fair takes the top of your head off! It's lovely as a relish with meat, or spread instead of butter on a cheese butty. I'm sure you'll find plenty of things to make, enjoy :o)
stuffed perrers are really nice so are stuffed tomatoes if large enough
me again make tomato soup and you could add in the perrers and some chillis
Have you tried Gazpacho soup, a scrummy cold soup perfect for the summer and really healthy html
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Thank you all - though I am not sure what perrers are ;-)
ChilliSpice, I am sharing in your joy, my own conservatory is a jungle of plants. As for tomatoes, just eat 20 or more a day, straight off the plant, quick rinse under the tap no more.

I don't have chillies this year, but loads in the ethnic shops up the road. Eat them raw while cooking fiendishly hot dishes with the rest.

Great isn't it !
jiggy - I've an enormous crop of Hungarian Red Wax Chillis about to ripen and was about to search for a recipe for sweet chilli sauce when I saw your thread about making Hananero jam. It sounds really interesting. Could you provide the recipe please.
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I totally agree Whiffey but I can't quite bring myself to eat those dastardly chillies raw like that, although I'm happy to munch on the fresh tomatoes. I was really after a few recipes to cook them all up together and freeze so that I could eat them at a later date and enjoy the sunshine all over again !
Pepperonata is a good sauce to make which freezes well. Simply fry chopped onions until soft, add chopped tomatoes, red peppers and chillis in whatever proportion you think appropriate and cook until everything is soft. However you will need more tomatoes than anything else to generate plenty of juice for the sauce.

Cool and pack into freezer bags & freeze. Will keep for a couple of years (at least!). Great with pasta.
Mole Poblano de Guajolote, which is a Mexican dish turkey cooked in a chilli and chocolate sauce, is incredible. I know that it sounds crazy, but it will freak you out and impress all your friends, if they try it. is just one of the many recipes sites for this dish.
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Ahhhh, thank you Wendy - just what I needed and easy too (why didn't I think of that, doh), now where's my garlic and basil too ?

Brownlow - how intriguing - although I have heard of chocolate and chilli before, thanks.
Good easy recipe for chilli in Happy Days with the Naked Chef - also for curry
Sorry Wendy, I forget to look back sometimes! I don't actually have a recipe as such, sorry. I used a nice ripe mango, the juice and flesh of 3 limes and the rind of 1, a small bag of castor sugar, a small (2cm) chunk of fresh ginger root, peeled and bruised. I finely chopped about 12 Habs, i used Congo Black, Paper Lantern and Orange, along with a handful of Jalapenos and a dozen Thai Bangkok Uprights. Put them all in the pan together, bring to the boil, simmer for about 20mins, stirring frequently, then blitz in a liquidiser (don't breathe in the fumes, you won't talk for days!) return to the heat to thicken and then let set in pots. I gave a lot out to family but if you wanted to keep it for a while i would suggest using a boiling water bath to ensure you don't get nasty bacteria while storing.
It seriously kicks butt on a ham sandwich and goes lovely with cooked meat instead of the usual sauces and mustard. I hope you enjoy :o)

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