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Waffle Recipe..

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missjef | 16:42 Wed 06th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
has anyone got any recipes? i have a recipe that uses icing sugar and was wondering if you have to use icing sugar or can just use normal sugar.


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Is this for the making of the waffles or things to put on them?
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making, though either would be good :)
This might keep you going for a day or two
I just buy the ready made waffles, but we love them with slices of bananas, Lyles pouring syrup and a dribble of single cream!
I love pouring maple syrup on them - I have an electric waffle maker i BOUGHT IN lIDLS LAST YEAR AND STILL HAVEN'T GOT ROUND TO TRY IT OUT - YOU'VE PUT ME IN THE MOOD TO TRY IT THIS WEEKND

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Waffle Recipe..

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