I have trouble waking up in the morning so thought that an alarm clock that made me tea would be perfect but all I can find are the old Goblin style ones on Ebay and the Morphy Richards Tea:am which doesn't seem to be sold anywhere anymore - is there another alternative that I am missing?
never thought of that.... i would be interested in finding out too. my mum used to have one of the old Golbin teasmades and an updated version might be the thing I need to get me up in the morning.
http://www.rbcelectronics.co.uk/ Just click on Swan Teasmade. They are now incorporating a photo frame. Is this for a picture of the mother in law, sure to wake you up.
We used to have a goblin teasmade, it was so noisy boiling the water you were up and about before the tea was ready! Father -in-law used to have one and once somehow ended up with the kettle bit facing the bed not the teapot, boy did he get a rude awakening the next morning!