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Drinking games

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Luke90 | 18:08 Sat 17th Apr 2004 | Food & Drink
8 Answers
hey, does any one know some good drinking game's or a web site where i can find some?


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But you only 16 Luke and therefore not used to drinking alcohol.Alcohol kills.I would advise leaving off any drinking games until you are a few years older.
1) Arrogance You need: a pint glass and a 2p coin - oh and friends Once you have all got your various drinks the game proceeds as so: You start off with an empty pint glass infront of you - the person to your left with the 2p. You pour a 'bet' into the pint glass and then call heads or tails. your friend to the left then flips the coin. If you guess wrong you down your 'bet'... if you guess correct the glass with the bet and the coin move round to the left. If the person flipping the coin drops it...then they have to down your bet. That sounds simple but its not over... if you guess correct and you pass the bet on, the next person has to ADD their bet to yours and the game continues until someone has to down the contents. This is particularly effective if you have a range of different drinks.... white wine and baileys for example.
2. century club) you need a bucket, a 6 pack of beer each and a shotglass each. and we found a couple of cloths handy. Empty the beer into the bucket and then every minute on the minute for a hundred minutes do a shot of beer... sounds easy, but once your about half way through that mouthfull isnt quite as easy to swallow. You know it will take an hour and 40 minutes so you can plan to do it before you go out, plus you can all chat an listen to music/watch footy etc. Its a good laugh
I'm with the archbish on this one...speaking from bitter experience NEVER a good idea
If you're at could do the withnail and I game....For every drink they drink in the film withnail and I, you drink the same. They drink a hell of a lot in this its fun!
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Firstly archbishop, how do you know my age, prob a stupid question, and secondly, ive been drinking for years and i found your comment very patronising and somewhat condesending. Wake up to the world, underage drinking is a common thing, you'll be hard stretched to find sixteen year olds that haven't been drinking for years, i started when i was 14. Im very sensible with my drinking and know my limits, thats why my parents support and trust me. Where have you been for the past decade?
If you like movies and drinking games this site has hundreds of games.

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