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Whats your region famous for food wise???

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puddicat | 21:43 Mon 01st Sep 2008 | Food & Drink
61 Answers
I love our scotch pies made with mutton mince with a water base pastry shell even better with creamy mash piped on, topped with baked beans,or howzabout a black pudding roll, or maybe a slice of haggis or square sausage between a soft morning roll, with broon sass!!!!


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Aberdeen butteries (commonly called rowies) which is a cholesterol laden morning roll. Copied (badly) in some other parts of Scotland even though the recipe is not a secret. Yummy!
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How do you eat yours scotgal, me i put i a warm oven, and put loads of butter on, some have them cold, you are right there are only one place that have the best aberdeen, think they were orginally made for trawlermen to take to sea!!!,
Yes I actually lightly warm mine in the toaster and put lashings of more cholesterol on top, nothing else. There's a baker near here who my son and his mates and hundreds of others used to visit in the early hours of Saturday am for warm rowies just out of the oven. It's a wonder the bakers had any left to sell on a Saturday. I know rowies being taken all over the globe-in fact when my pa was alive and living in Dunblane I used o take rowies to him for the freezer cos he missed them.
Morning Puddicat,

I love porridge. In the West Indies they have a peanut porridge and it is to die for!!!

The rowies sound fab too, it is bread yes?? so what do you put on it or in it???
Funnygirl rowies are made up of a dough mix as for bread but rolled out with knobs of fat as you would for puff pastry then fashioned into roll shapes and baked in a hot oven till crispy and they are lipsmackingly delicious. OMG I'm slavering I'll have to go to the bakers for my fix!
I love trying out new foods!!

Next time I go to Edinburgh, I am not coming back til I've tried one of these rowies!!!
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Funnygirl dont buy from a supermarket when you come up,go into a independent bakers not greggs and alike, and you will probably get fantastic butteries there!!
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Many years ago when i was a young un, about 2.30am us drunken rabble used to go in the back door of the local bakery and get just made hot pasties and sausage rolls, arrrrrrrrrr the memories!!!!
I'm not sure you'll get proper rowies in Edinburgh funnygirl - last time I was there and bought some (many years ago I admit) what they passed off as rowies were mere imposters! Puddicat where is this porridge seller who murders our other national dish?
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He usually trawls the any big events around scotland, think he has several vans, will try and get some info!!!
Cumberland sausage. In particular John Noble's prizewinning cumbo. Yum.
Thanks puddicat - I'm afraid I'm a traditionalist when it comes to porridge and just like it with a bit of full cream milk or if feeling more decadent a splash of single cream! I should be like the side of a house but I don't eat it very often. Did you know that long ago the hill shepherds used to make a big pot of porridge spread it out in a drawer in their bothy and cut of a slice each day for their "piece". The hygiene police would have a field day but there were a lot of fit and healthy shepherds!
lincolnshire sausage
lincolnshire poacher cheese
stilton cheese
pork pies
bread & dripping
bacon butties
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Yes i did know this, they used to put a layer of waxed paper in the bottom of the drawers, traditional way is to have porridge with salt, yuk!!!!!
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I love "mucky fat" butties when i used to live in yorkshire, and remember Lincolnshire Haslet, being delicous!!!!
I have porridge with salt.

It tastes a bit like popcorn.

My puddicat they must have been "posh" shepherds and I regret to say I have salt in (not on) my porridge too- my God I'm a walking timebomb!
Lincs sausages that is btw :-)

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