Bordid...well the good news is the weather, beautiful blue skies, crisp, sunny....and YES, no wind.
My turn to grumble today, this is a mizmog alert, (haha, and yes Jude tomoz is ok, I like funny, snyggy words. If one speaks poshe, that's fine, I love proper poshe if it's the way one was brought up, but not some of these modernisms. I agree with hon by the way, but you already knew that)
The bad news is...well lots of things. I woke up at 5 feeling like death (barely) warmed up, my body aches so much from coughing...lay there 'til 7 & heard Charlie crying downstairs...flew(?) down to find him in the middle of one of his falling/cramping episodes, poor little chap it scares him. So I had to sit on the floor with him half an hour until it passed. He's ok & happy now but this one has left him very wobbly again. Oh & he'd wee'd in his bed so I had to sort that....Went outside to empty the bucket of water I'd used, drain was full of leaves & started picking them out & they moved...there was a huge frog under them!...hahaha...that woke me up. I thought about you neti. :o)
Banging started next door at 8.15 ...they had a problem with water again & were going to be using my outside tap but it's all been sorted.
But don't worry 'bout me, just say one for Charlie please, I could no more go to the vets today than fly to the moon.