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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 14:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!


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I love these boathouses!
16:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
oooh, home made rice puddin' lovely, I haven't made one for ages.... Don't worry about the pics thingy Jude, but thanks anyway. I think tinypic is just temperamental for my puta, it seems it is for a lot of people...they've put a stick of dynamite in their caches & it still doesn't always work.
re the medication...'if it ain't broke don't fix it' is my motto but I'm sure some medications are preventative.

Lovely boots Lottie but I do like leather on my a pic of mine here. They look wide but they're not & I haven't scruffied them already, they're antique-y leather, they go with me antiquey face

Very random...pic of me with Mac poodle, dogs are very hard to photograph...and somewhere under that wool he's wearing a Halti :o)
Whoops I thought they were leather. I got both pairs of my wide calf boots (I have shapely calfs (calves!!?) from Shoe Tailor and both pairs are leather. I agree I only wear leather shoes or boots as well!!
Lovely picture Robi. You look very glamorous!! Incidentally it took ages to open. Runs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
thanks lottie, I must look at the shoetailor...if you have no symptoms, don't take anything would be my comment. I cannot ABIDE milk puddings. We were made to eat them at school and I still can't look at one.
Woofy, I hate milk puddings too. Fortunately noone else in the family likes them either. My father loved egg custard. OMG I couldn't even bear to look at it!!
Sorry Jude, I missed you earlier somehow. I would agree with Woofy. I don't take things unless I have to.
Evening all. Well the cat returned after 14,5 hours, ate, had a nap, played with me with his mouse and left again. I woke up at 7.15 this morning afraid he had been waiting and shivering on the balcony, then I couldn't go back to sleep - and he moseys in seven hours later. Guess he's living his dream:) Mousey is so cute Neti, they should meet. (BTW I loved your hairdo, the other day.) Mac looks friendly, Robi. They say poodles are one of the most intelligent breeds - could you tell?

Lol Woofy I'll try to remember the piggy/burp version of Harding, that's funny.

So we're doing boots again, won't be long till the handbags come out then:) As a matter of fact I saw a brand the other day the name of which caught my eye. Us Swedes do like to use English but it can be risky. Y'all remember when told you about a nightgown I'd seen called Eco-Fanny? Well we've done it again. Brace yourselves: http://www.fancyfanny...ex.php?action=history
Mac was extremely intelligent, a knowing entertainer & everyone's friend Kit, he loved people and other dogs...not too keen on cats though but I doubt he'd ever have hurt it if he'd caught one. He did catch a starling once, carried it across the garden, lay down & gently placed it in between his front paws. It ran round & round in circles for a minute and flew off... he was disgustified, haha.

I'd worry far too much about a cat that stayed out...Tarquin's very rarely leaves the comfort of her tv pages.... :o)

Kit I just sprayed wine up the computer screen...Robi that's a great picture...very country life, you know "the Hon Robinia Hardcastle relaxing at her weekend place with constant companion Rudolph (Teesdale Fluffybooger of Knackersoff)"
Tarquin is a handsome lad as well
yes, only the Swedes would have a Fancy Fanny :o)

lol woofy, Mac didn't have a posh registered name, he had too many faults for breeding as a show dog anyway. Charlie has a title but I don't tell him, he'll only start making demands. I don't know how the K.C. naming works...would dogs with the same first name be his descendants or his siblings?

That's Bob, Tarquin's (female) wonder she's confused
Well I'm guessing one I've found is Charlie's sister...she won a prize as a veteran in the summer of 2009 aged 12 & half! Bless her, I wonder if she's still trotting about?
wow, big dog, Robinia, I thought poodles were only supposed to be ankle height? Or were you sitting a long way back? So a cocky woman started Fancy Fanny? It all sounds very Swedish.
PS Robinia, I temped in the Kennel Club when I arrived here... I don't remember how the naming rules worked, but I do remember that if people tried to register their dogs and forgot the "of..." bit at the end, we named them "of Kenstaff", for Kennel Club staff.
Yes it does all sound like a rather merry porn movie from Sweden doesn't it jno.

Aww Bob is sweet. Another girlfriend for Zingo. Here he is, dreaming of Mousey and Bob and Alice and Polly, this is what he looks like after all his adventures last night, today and tonight. You wouldn't think he's 9, the way he keeps running around, he's like our Jude
Iirc kennel club naming works that the person who bred the animal puts their kennel name before the dogs name eg teesdale then comes the dogs name, then when the dog is sold, the new owner puts their kennel name after the dogs name and adds an of.
what a lovely pic Kit...and it d'loaded immediately...

...well you learn sommat every day. I didn't realise that different colours could come from the same litter...I thought only Charlie lookeelikees came from Charlie lookeelikees . But here...<drum roll> (or maybe was) his sister in 2009, same d.o.b., parents, breeder...taa daa

what a hippy! haha...Chas is prettier
just did a quick goggle of "of Kenstaff", woofgang of kenstaff, and there are 16,800 of them

I bet that coat takes some care...jno that link was to an afghan hound pedigree?
Woofgang used to be our registered kennel name. Our first dog was Gunmetal Carlo of Woofgang. When we got the current two boys, who are crossbred and likely to be our last two pups (can't imagine running round after puppies when i am 70), we let the affix lapse as we have no use for it.

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