Roast in bag? in The AnswerBank: Food & Drink
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Roast in bag?

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netibiza | 14:31 Mon 10th May 2010 | Food & Drink
881 Answers
am going to use one tonight for chicken, can I put the potatoes in with the chicken and will they brown, cos if I have to put them in seperately it's not worth using the bag!
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I love these boathouses!
16:08 Sat 05th Feb 2011
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Morning folks.

I hate milk and rice puddings, blancmange and angel delight yuk!

Mousey is becoming a right nuisance, in out roundabout all night, all 3 of us let her in out at some point last night. We are advised here not to have cat flaps as there are some very feral and vicious cats around who are as bold as brass, and a neighbour was attacked inside her house via the cat flap!!!

My bro had a crufts champion dalmatian (or it was the pup of one) called Fin, in facrt they always have dalmatians and they are always called Fin. I'd love a dog but couldn't be doing all the walking etc so it wouldn't be fair. The neighbours just let their's free to roam and then lock it up on a balcony all day, poor thing.

I've been watching a prog called "It;s the dog or me" and the woman trainer (can't remember her name) is brilliant, gets even the most unruly dog to sit immediately. I've tried it on Mousey but to no avail!!!!

No rain today so will wash the bed linen, there's always something!

Am steering well clear of a Fancy Fanny, don't want to start all that nonsense at my age!!!
woofy, I know, I was just pointing out the of Kenstaff bit, probably named by one of my former colleagues ... or possibly a third-generation puppy of one of them...

*Insert all known swear words*...what a racket this morning, hope that's the worst over with & they're not just having a tea break. I thought they were coming through the wall at one point & I had to sit on the stairs while I texted my local MP :o)...well my sister actually.

Chas hasn't got an "of whatever" so I'm having "of Flatulencia" added :o)
I've joined your 'club' Robi with noises from the attached house. It is a Derby Homes house and after the occupants absconded to Spain after spending a great deal of money on the place (new kitchen, fireplace, flooring and the garden all laid out)They have been knocking all of the alterations out and reinstalling their basic fitments. I spoke to the men yesterday and they said it is a complete waste of money. So they have been banging about this week and are still at it today.

I hope you are all ok today. You have lost me on the Kennel Club names except for my Lassie Collie who was Cindy Lou of Browningdale. I'll see if I can find a picture of her. Little Shep was a little mongrel as you've seen.
Lovely photo of Chas's sister Robi.

I'm off to town in a bit to get some bird seed and sunflower seeds. They aren't half getting through some at the moment. I go into the market in Westfield cos it's cheapeer than up here.

I've been to the Dr. and he is leaving me off medication for colitis so I'm really chuffed about that. I just have to go back if I have any signs or symptoms.

Anyway that's it for a while. Have a good day Biddyfriends see yer later 'gater(s)
oh I see...it was late and i was stupid.....
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Dear biddyfriends, I deeply sympathise with all the banging and racket that neighbours do, It drove me mad last year for 8 months until I reported him and it stopped. I think he must have sold it on, as it is in a disgusting state, half built illegal rooms, no drainage. But there's old washing flapping about and the mrs was always neat and tidy and they were doctors. The admitted that they should not have bought it as it is cheap and nasty.

Have spent an hour with the local planning dept asking for an address cos after 10yrs I think I should have one. Now I have a number 3, but no road name as yet. When they decide they are going to put up a road sign, I am delighted, I think.

Then another hour battleing the phone co to repay me the 3€ they took from my balance when they beggared me about and want to change my tariff, easy? not a chance, have to phone again to same no but will I get the same person? I doubt it; so all through it again.

New boots are really comfy but a strange greyish brown or brownish grey colour, ah well. They were cheap! 25€!
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You will please forgive all typos and spellings, brain works quicker than the fingers....er, I think!
G'day all. Sunny day here but am I going out - no. I'm not going out ever again. Well maybe tomorrow. Or not:) I AM longing for some Danish rye bread but I'd have to go to town for that. There's a girl who sells bread in the metro and the Danish rye is just so scrummy. The other day while talking to her I casually mentioned my age, 52, and she made the greatest song-and-dance about it I have ever seen, I thought she was gonna take off, flailing her arms, rolling her eyes, slapping her knees, saying I could not, could not possibly be 52, she would never have guessed and so on and so forth. This was after I had already made my purchases, mind! She just went on and on and on and finally I heard myself saying something I have hitherto thought I never would say: So... just how old did you think I was? Her reply: Oh I don't know but not a day over 50! Duh... but the bread is excellent.

Neti was the neighbour attacked by a feral cat or some other animal? Zingo goes out and comes home via the kitchen balcony so he needs for me to open the balcony door.

Woofy the name Woofgang is brilliant, I had never come across it till I saw your alias. Chas's sis is a pretty girl Robi. They're not very alike, yes she does look like the sibling that went to India in search of her soul and started a sect there. Jno what the *bleep* where you doing in a kennel when you don't like animals, lol...!

Happy for you Jude you have the doctor's blessing to stay off the meds:)
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swedie, it was a feral (very feral) cat that had got in through the catflap, and when she tried to get to the door to open it for the cat it leapt and scratched her arms, legs face, terrible injuries cos it was panicking. Well they weren't life threatening unless tetanus set in but she had hospital treatment and injections.
They're off again next door, this has been the noisiest day by miles...I think it's the sparkies channeling the walls. I'll be channeling a mad axeman for some tips soon if they don't hurry up.
I really shouldn't complain though, I've just been reading on Yahoo news about this cyclone over Queensland...those poor people, how terrifying.

We're coming to stay with you Kit!
lol @ the age thing...you'd better make the most of the next 2 years then, before you catch up and overtake yourself. I think that's what I'm doing. The gap between what I really am & what people thing I am is closing fast.

Good news about your meds Jud, I hope you never need them.
Jud? ...haha..it's the juddering walls on my mind.. :o)
Bloomin' 'eck Robinia the workmen have now moved in next door to me!! White vans all over the place. I have a feeling they must be taking down ceilings and installing new beams. Fortunately, our walls are so thick so noise not so bad, but there is a constant drill going somewhere.

Have found a super new hairdreser she did exactly as I wanted and I didn't have to come out and fiddle with it at all. My instructions to her: WI want it scruffy short, but with long bits at the back and sides, and I don't want a granny hair style. I like to finger dry it and it needs to look as if it isn't a style and I haven't been to a hairdresser"

She knew just what I meant. Clever girl.

Robbie. Would Tarquin's puss like a twin sister!



The white bits floating about and stuck on her in the second picture are dried catnip!! She was high at the time.

I meant to say yesterday Robi, that your old poodle was absolutely gorgeous - but you looked so stunning in that photo, that you outshone it!!
This is Master LL's mog (She is called 'Hiss'!!)
oh bless.....a stoned cat!
yay, the pics appeared!
hahaha...Lottie she is like Bob, I think they must be related...here's how she gets her entertainment...'Nowt but repeats these days...'

Thanks for the compliment but I was very post-flu on that pic & even skinnier than normal. I remember the day very well, it was exceptionally warm for mid March (look, no coat!) and so me, Tarquin & Mac headed off for a long walk. It was a lovely day & the whole world & his wife were out & about.

Are the white van men taking over the world? Actually it's red van man at the moment
My goodness Hiss and Bob are really alike, aren't they. Hiss's main hobbies are sleeping and eating!! High maintenance on the grooming side though!!
Just wondering about Shaney. Hope all is OK. Are the Germans still over do we know?
Cats of a feather indeed, Bob and Hiss. I was thinking about Mousey that perhaps she gets colder in her old age and needs to get indoors more often just to get warm? She isn't a young girl anymore is she.

Spent most of the day sleeping. I've been up ridiculously early every morning for longer than I care to remember but at least I sleep to sevenish now (got up at five before) and at least it's to let the cat in I wake up now and at least I can go back to sleep in a bed instead of in a chair at the library or the train station... and today I slept for erm ...England. Wish I could stop coughing, it's worrying. Don't say go to the doctor, I won't at this point, I need to give it some time, and can't see what a doctor could do. Yes the men in the white vans (they're white here too) are everywhere and a LOT of what they do is a complete waste of money. There's room for all of you here if you bring your own mattresses:)

I'm not sure Shaney mentioned for how long the rellies will be over, Lottie. I miss her too. And the darn hippie.
No white vans here but men in white coats may come and take me away pretty soon haha.
They've all boogered off thank goodness. Lovely to see them but I've been ran ragged.I have lots of lovely graubrot ,mettwurst,coffee and other goodiesthough so mustn't moan .There were 28 people here on Saturday for coffee and cake .It was like Casey's Court .
Then it was hospital appt today .
Hope all you lovelies are well .Lovely pics of cats ,although I'm not a cat fan :)
Glad you are OK KIt :)
Love your old poodle Robinia .My old friends in Brammerton always had two standard poodles .She's a widow now and has just the one, a champagne coloured one called Leo .A rescue poodle .
Bye for now .Hungry Herman is hotching :)
Wow Shaney that's a busy time for you. What's Casey's Court then.

Today I've had 2 white vans and a red one next door but they went about 3. I suppose that's about right for local workmen.

My friend has had as many as 5 cats at one time but only has 4 at the moment. They're names are Tom, Tigger (siamese), Ruby and Smudge. I wouldn't fancy 4 cats mooching around here but she has quite a big house and she adores them so it;'s no problem for her. I know they cost her a fortune in vets bills though.
Cindy Lou of Browningdale


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