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Cooking apples

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SeaJayPea | 11:06 Sat 18th Sep 2010 | Food & Drink
5 Answers
Hi, I have a load of cooking apples and want to use them over the winter for the likes of crumbles and pies. Can I stew them now and freeze the result? If so, any good ideas for recipes?


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Peel core and slice 'em do each one & put them in a bowl of salted water stops them going brown. when you've finished the lot divide into amounts rinse salt water off dab dry with tea-towel, put in plastic bags and use as needed.
(Do not cook first)

Yes you can stew them now and freeze the result! Heres a recipe for Apple Jam using Cooking Apples Below

6 lb. cooking (tart) apples
2 pints water
Rind and juice of 4 lemons
1 1/2 oz ground ginger (optional)
6 lb. sugar

1. Peel, core and chop the apples.
2. Tie the peel and core in muslin and put with the apple and water into the preserving pan.
3. Add the finely grated lemon rind and the juice, together with the ginger if used.
4. Cook until pulpy, then squeeze out and discard muslin bag.
5. Stir in the sugar and boil until setting point is reached.
6. Remove from the heat, skim, pot, cover, and label.

Hope this helps!
Jemisa, I never knew that! Always stewed them first, but now I won't! Thank you x
Question Author
Excellent. Thank you so much. I have enough of them, so I'll do both.

That's really helpful
I peel core and cut into chunks then put in plastic container and cook on high in microwave for 5 mins. By the time the first lot is cooked I have the next lot ready to put in. Production line works well! I don't add any sugar to mine.

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Cooking apples

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