I am so sorry,but since OH has been in hospital I have reverted back to plastic bread instead of the home-made stuff I did in Freddie the Breaddie(the bread maker to the sane ones here!)
Do you think I will be forgiven?,but the bacon and egg buttie tasted so much better on plastic bread .I know its unforgivable sine I went nearly a year without buying bread,but things are a bit hectic at the mo and plastic is more convenient .
Daft fun question rearly has anyone else ever felt guilt over a kitchen appliance that they failed to use for a bit?
Haha Aya, you made me smile, again. Please don't let on, but I have an electric machine for chopping and slicing veg, which I have never used. In fact it has never been out of the box. I already have an all-dancing, all-singing appliance which has those attachments. I daren't pass it on as my Big Sis gave it to me. We can be bad people together ☺♥