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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
Oh must watch "The Queen" again as I missed that!
On the other hand, maybe the queen was fed up with having him in her bed (as they did in the film) and she wanted him to find a mistress, but knew there wasn't much chance!!!!cos he was grinch!
Morning all...another grey, damp day here & the overcast pressure of the past couple of days has fired up my (now almost permanent) headache big time stylie.
Stay well Kit, we can't have you ill & wandering around too. Hope everyone else is hanging on in there.
I'm now going on a report-fest, I just can't be having any of this xmas malarkey before Dec 5th...prepare to disappear.... <evil cackle>
ooh, hark at Mrs Santa - couldn't get SuBo to turn your lights on this Christmas then?
Bah humbug to Robi, oh I love humbugs and have started eating them again, hence a few more extra kilos on the old bod!!!!
Morning Biddyfriends. All done and dusted today. Going out for lunch with my Rock & Roll friend for a good catch up on things.
I love christmas but this year I have no idea what I'm going to do. I think I will ask my son to come and have dinner with me if he's not doing anything because I usually spend it with him and his wife and his wife's relations but that wont be happening this year and unless he gets invited to go somewhere he will be on his own as well.
Actually I'm a bit fed up but no doubt I'll get out of it. Sorry if I go on. I know I don't have any real worries like some of you on here. I do care about you all and hope you are all getting sorted out gradually.
Anyway that's enough of that, Have a good day everybody and I'll probably back later with a smile on my face. Hope so!!
See yer later 'gater(s)
you can bah humbug to all you like... it's always the same at this time of yr, stuff goes wrong, day after day sommat to deal with... bloody ch boiler's almost banged itself off the wall so I'll be sat sitting waiting for a van man again.
I'm surrounded by oldies protesting they don't want to be put in homes...I can't flamin' wait, I'm fed up of the responsibilities.

pah!..... <slams door>

...and stop lookin at me like that Clive, I told you, I've got a headache!
Hi jude, oh cheer up, you are always so upbeat!

I've found that one can print of xmas labels for free on tinternet, so I've been printing away!

Have posted one parcel to my bro and it cost £16! Gosh how ever am I gonna post the rest of them. I did find a £20 note in the back of my purse, no idea how to got there, maybe my sister put in there when I was in England, anyway came in jolly usefull.
<ooops *off*
Would you feel better if he was looking at you like this Robina ?
Hello chooks
Cold and dreary here .Dull days before Christmas as my Mum used to say .
I'm hoping for a good Christmas this year .I need a bit of cheering up .
I cheered us up earlier and we've just had hot roast beef baguettes from the butcher who has a take away cavery .You have to get there early before the stoodents mob the place though .So it was a sort of brunch and very tasty .
Nothing much doing at Shaneytowers .It's a medical free day today .
Take care folks and keep warm .
we are having a medical free day too. Torrential persisitence last night as forecast and DH late home and in excellent health and spirits so we all had a lie in and are going out for coffee and McD's for the boys
laters all
well I'd certainly forget about any worries for a while shaney...I'd probably even forget my own name :o)
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Hi folks. Twas a nice morning here and I have been gardening and walking the dog. Hazy but bright, but now it is getting more overcast. It's not that cold. I think we have been quite lucky here with the weather over the last few days. No rain at all!!

Shaney, think off Robi's BP before posting such pictures. I like Clive Owen although he is not my No. 1, but that picture, phwoooor!!

Nice for the Woofies and the Shaney's to have medical free days. Make the most of it and enjoy.

Jude, cheer up, we rely on you!!

Swedie, thinking of you. I really do feel for you.

Love to all of you - I am just going outside to pot a shrub up and then that's it. Lunch and a sit down.

Take care.

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My number one man at the moment is, wait for it and don't laugh


Eddie Izzard!!

He was on TV this morning and I find him so, so sexy (even in a dress)

And he looked so good in glasses this morning and has a lovely speaking voice.
Hold on to yer 'ats biddies, I HAVE BEEN GARDENING !!!!

Yes, well digging up weeds and cat poo basically, and tidying the patio and throwing away old sunbeds, parasols and broken white pegs (of which there does seem to be a lot!), so now both sides and the big front patio are weed free and spotless. I have put cat deterrent in places so hopefully the feral cats will stay away!

Off for a shower and a cuppa.

Lottie, I have always thought that Eddie Izzard is rather fetching but it is a shame when he wers a frock and nail varnish. I feel really weird fancying anything in a dress!!
Shaney and woofy, I have have asked this before, and if so forgive an old biddy her faltering memory! Do the hubbies have to have special diets or can they eat anything, ie curries ?
Mr S. did at first Neti .
Mainly stodge ,pasta,rice,pastry,spuds etc little and often until the bowel settled. He has to be careful with windy foods though as it made a noise at first :)
He doesn't like curry or. very spicy foods .
He's a typical German with food .It's all sausages ,meat,herrings ,spuds and hearty stews and lots of bread which is mainly pumpernickel or bread I get from the Polish shop ,Chleb Wiejski .
He does eat a lot of salad and veg though. He's back to eating normally now and has put on a couple of kilos but needs to put more weight on .
Good for him shaney. Mr N also likes that type of food!
oh lordy...<gasp!>...somebody throw some snow over me...the gas man was ... <gasp> yummy....sorry Clive...and Eddie, (I love him too)...but....
All the same I hope it's fixed (I'm not convinced) 'cos all things gas/electrical scare the bejeezus out of me.

I'll be back when I've had some strong sweet tea....

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