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Narnia Nintendo DS

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LoftyLottie | 12:18 Wed 16th Jan 2008 | Gaming
700 Answers
Help!! I am not expert at games but someone has given me a Nintendo DS and I have been enjoying myself with 'Narnia'. I have completed all the quests (apart from the new dwarf cave, which I have found out you can only do after rescuing Edmund)) but am now totally stumped as to how to go about rescuing Edmund. I have been running around Narnia for two evenings in desparation!!

Can anyone out there please give me a pointer in the right direction. I am sure someone aged 7 would laugh at my plight, but age is not on my side.


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Well earlier this year I was a 44D but luckily I lost some of it. They are uncomfortable and do get in the way, and in the heat they get dreadfully sore. I didn't look pregnat from the back either (everyone said it'll be a boy) but I wasn't that big at all, could bend down and touch my toes right through to the end (and not bending knees). I was a big at 5months as I was at 9....
15:18 Wed 10th Nov 2010
Hi All ignore my email. I've found you in an email from Woofy from when we first moved to here.
me too Robi, in fact everytime I switch on my dangerous cooker hood lights I think of you, absolutely hate it when they blow. I have now had 2 save energy bulbs and the first one lasted 1 week, the 2nd didn't even light up, so I'm using normal ones! bah humbug!
Hi Again got a bit worried then about contact but it's all ok now.
Had a great lunch. Had Chicken pasta with a lovely cheesey sauce and garlic bread and salad. Had a great chat with my friend and then we came back to my house for a coffee and nore chat. Feel really cheered up now. Had to just put the light on AT 3.30.Still as my freind says the longest night is only about a month away then they start getting shorter don't they. Ha Ha!!
Pleased that Les Maisons Shaney and Woofy are medically free today. Have a lazy one.
I've just had notification of my £250 heating allowance in the post. So that brought a smile to my face as well.
Have you been to the Dr. yeti Neti about your foot. (see what I did there it was a mistake but I thought I'd leave it :=)
I'm sorry I was a 'misog' earlier, but now I'm ok. Thinking about things I've got to look forward to. Doing to Chatsworth before Christmas on a trip and a wedding in the New Year. My Plumbers getting married.He's been having some hassle lately with burglars and an accident and he said he should have married me then there wouldn't had been any trouble. Don't know what defference that would have made except I'm old enough to be his Grandma.:=)
I hate Gas and Electrics too. especially when my nephew comes to do any electrical job. He's qualified it's just that I want him to be safe.
I once had a bird fly down my chimney behind my gas fire and I was scared stiff. Had to swith it off at the mains and wait for emergency. They took the gas fire out got rid of the bird through a window and then left. I had to pay a plumber not mine to come and refit the fire.
Pleese ecxscuse tiypoesss!!.
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Glad you are feeling better Jude an have had a nice day.

Believe it or not, it got a bit grey here about 2.00ish but was still bright and the day has ended with more sunshine. I came in from the garden evenually at 2.45pm and have really enjoyed the weather today. I got a lot done!
HI Lottie. No sunshine today here. Thanks for keeping me happy. Always get cheered up when I come on here. x
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You cheer us up too Jude xxx
"everytime I switch on my dangerous cooker hood lights I think of you"...I'm likely to explode & potentially lethal you mean neti?..that made me laugh, I love it.

I'm coming back down to earth now, I can thoroughly recommend gazing up at a handsome face for about 30 mins for getting you out of a bad/sad mood. I can do minor electricals myself without too much fear...had to put a new plug on my vac last week which made my friend laugh, she wouldn't know where to start...but get into house wiring/plumbing & heating & I could cry with fright sometimes.

I'm sure mr s' weight will gather speed as he settles down shaney, it seems to take so long at first but suddenly there the snowball effect. I don't know what's putting weight on my sticks but I'm still piling on the milligrams. Cheese, lots of bread & spuds and cake seem to be doing the trick but I'm happy with my weight now...I can't believe I might actually have to start being careful....eek! A lettuce leaf on a piece of doormat isn't my idea of comfort food.

It's been as dark as hell here all afternoon, how come Norfolk had sunshine, tut?
Well it looks as if it's only Chelsea on Sea that's had the sunshine in our county today Robinia .
Over here it's been dull cloudy and mizzling all day .I've had a light on all day in my hovel .
Glad to see you are feeling more cheerful now Jude and you too Robinia .It's amazing what a nice chat and a nice face can do .
I may go and sabotage the heating myself but knowing my luck I'd get a gasman who looks like Quasimodo :0)
I always used to do the leccies, but am very nervous of it all now, must be old age!

JUDE!!!! Yeti neti ??? I've been called somethings in my life but that's a first!!!!!
Hi Neti what I meant was Have you seen the Dr yet and the i just appeared on the end :=) sorry
All week the met office have said wall to wall sun for Derbys they say wall to wall fog!!! pe po piddle ...grrrrrrrrr...
Don't apologise Jude, it's gong to be yeti all winter from now on...that'll serve her right for saying she likes it cold....
well this engagement's stirred up a lot of unnecessary hatred for the other royals hasn't it? Well said on here yeti, I agree...

Personally I'd have preferred to see Kate being given Diana's ring as a gift and an engagement ring of her own, but it's their decision.
I can't see it lasting but I hope I'm proved wrong. When couples have been together for years and then marry it doesn't usually last. I think she should have had a ring especially for her and not Diana's I agree Robi.
I don't think Camillas very happy either. Doesn't she live in a property on her own now. I've read that somewhere recently.
sorry, folks, but Eddie Izzard is taken... rather mysteriously, it seems

Glad to hear people are having a pain-free day. Robi, I can send you some pills if you like - do you want mini-Grinch, Grinch or super-Grinch? I'll just get the gasman to pop them over.
oooh, make it Grinch-express please jno...I'll go & get a squirt of wd40
Yes agree with Robi and jude about the ring, she should have had her own and had diana's as a dress ring! I hope it lasts as I think Wills is a much nicer chap than ole Charlie, but methinks Kate is a strong-willed woman!

My old man was a gasman in England, by 'eck, you wouldn't want him turning up on your doorsteps at xmas, he'd make the Grinch seem like a friendly little fella! He used to be amazed at the filth in some kitchens when working, and came home full of tales of disgust!

No I'm joking, Mr N is Ok most of the time!
I've heard some of those tales neti. I feel sorry for maintenance men sometimes...they've told me they often work for hours at people's houses & no one speaks to them or offers them a drink. I'm always polite & friendly...I'm only a grinch on here :o)

Well my family are feeling the heat in Oz alright...37C & sleepless nights! :o/
Oh your poor family, I know those nights. Do they have air con, an absolute must, couldn't do without it now after spending 37yrs without it!

Have to say I cannot live without this little person, he is SO GOOD! My carpet is finally clear from cat hairs. Yes I know the cat has probably stopped moulting but she is long fluffy haired and it get everywhere. Love you Henry!!!

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