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Welcome To History where the past is explained.If you are looking for information about your family tree try our Genealogy section.
i don't really know where to post this so here goes: this morning my cat brought in a live sparrow and let it go in my upstairs bedroom. whilst trying to coax it out of a window it flew into a...
i have always thought there were 8 days in a week, but in recent times this has been challenged, can anyone confirm that I am correct and that i have no surprises coming my way?
How long after Richard the Lionheart was Henry VIII king?
can anyone tell me why things still stick to "non-stick"?
Which country's name is derived from the name given to Viking raiders of ninth century by the Byzantines and is suggested to have come from the colour of their hair
A land has appeared in another question. Does anyone know anything about a place called Bongolya or something like that. Check out the Flibble for more information. Its in Phrases and sayings.
In historic cathedrals I have often seen tombs that are stone blocks with a statue of the dead person lying on top, what are these called and where can I see pictures of them?
why was half a crown also known as half a dollar ???
The main fault with hitler was he had a crap moustache. he ruined the moustache and the name adolf for every man in the world but otherwise he cant have been all thet bad.
Good morning everyone; so I was talking to my Canadian friend and she said that members of her husband's family spoke Scot's Gaelic because they came from Nova Scotia. She also mentioned that the...
Hi, I'm trying to find ancestors back from my great grandfather on my mums side. I know his name and he was born in London, but that's about it. How can I trace back further. I've tried...
What is an oligarch? Thanks
which countries name is derived fromthe name given to Viking raiders of 9th century by the Byzantines,from colour of invaders hair
which city now known as vadodara was from the 18th century until independence in 1947 ruled by dynasty known as gaekwar .by what former name meaning home of the heroes ,was this city once known
In a paragraph, what was it all about, what were the highlights and outcomes?
Do any of you know why red penguins can be found on some balconies in Venice?
television series about a grown man tied to his mothers apron strings,has the same title as a south american film released in 2001
Does anyone know what place the Greek playwright Aristophanes held in society? Thanks
When was america named?
Does anyone know what the parties involved in this war (the Delian League, lead by Athens, and the Peloponnesian League, lead by Sparta) accused each other of? Thanks,