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Just found my kids 6 x great grandfather on ancresty's new PRs

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dothawkes31 | 23:32 Fri 05th Feb 2010 | Genealogy
71 Answers
His name was Alexander Laing, does that sound a wee bit Scottish to anyone else?


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Find my past don't use the indexes that way, there is only the one continuopus set.
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so your aunt's mother remarried and her children changed their surnames to that of their step-father, and your father remarried too in 1946? So which side are the step-brothers or sisters be from? if you mean the children of her father from his second marriage oin 1956 they would be her half brothers and sisters , her step- brothers and sisters would be the children of her mother's second husband before they married or the children of her father's wife before they married. Any children registered as born to her natural father and his new wife should be registered in his surname. any children born to her step-father before her mother married him would be registered in her step-fathers surname
dot I think den is looking for any children of the natural father and his wife.....
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yes so they would be his aunt's half-brothers and sisters with the same surname as her birth surname.
My aunt was married to my uncle (my mum's brother) so she is not a blood relative to me.

My aunt's mother married my aunt's father in 1936 - my aunt was the only child of that marriage and was born in Sept 1939. Her mother started carrying on with this bloke and she married him in 1946 - my poor aunt was not wanted by her step father and was brought up by her nan, but I did notice that my aun'ts surname was changed at some stage.

To my knowledge she never saw her real father ever again. He remarried in 1946. Perhaps he never had any children with his new wife.
well as I say if you can't find anything post the details i.e. his name, new wife's name. date and place of marriage and we'll have a look for you x
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But i he did have children with this new wife, they would have been registered with his surname and so if you have looked and nor found any likely registrations then probably there were no children. If you know the surname of his new wife you would have that as confirmation of any likely registered births.
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by the way, if they lived in hammersmith then the scenario you have described would definately fit, in my ex's family there are several similar instances of people in the same street marrying or moving in with neighbours and living over the brush
Thanks craft - his name was John Baxandall born 1922 he married his second wife Helen E Pickett in 1946 in Romford Essex
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Lol he was a Lancashire Lad then!
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Bet he was born between Wigan and Chorley, lol my son's joint-tenant has the same surname.
I think you are right Dot - all the records I looked at did show a Lancashire theme.
am I confused here den.........if he was born in 1922 how could he first marry in 1936
Actually, you are right craft - that would have made him 14 - perhaps I have got the wrong John Baxandall. I will have to do a little more digging.
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maybe there never was a first marriage craft, was your aunt actually registered with her natural fathers surname and have you found her in the index?
was his first wife Russell or Pettican?
Spot on Craft - I have just found his first wife and she was born in 1916 Elvina Pettican.
So on that assumption he must have been born around the same time.

Yes, Dot my aunt did have her father's surname and it was registered in Ipswich.
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I think John may have been born 1902 up here in sunny Lancashire, have you found any other craft?
I've found the death mentioned by den in was registered in 1968 and gives an estimated age of 56 so he would have been born circa 1912....I have a John Baxendall born 199 registered in Prestwich, Lancashire.
^ sorry born 1911

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