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Locks For Writing Slopes?

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woofgang | 17:39 Thu 18th Jul 2013 | DIY
930 Answers
I have bought a rather nice writing slope on ebay, however the lock doesn't work at all. Its quite easy to remove though and in fact I suspect that its not the original one anyway. I've hunted around but the only supplier of replacements I could find is in america and the p and p is huge.

Does anyone know of a UK supplier of writing slope (wooden box) locks please? Either new or old but they must work and come with a key.


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Big fire in hotel in Dubai, hija says they are evacuating thousands of people downtown. She's OK nowhere near.
I just saw that on the news Neti and thought of you .
Glad she's safe .Let's hope there are no casualties .
At 8pm your time it is midnight and Downtown is the place to go for NYE place is heaving, they are trying to move people on but say that the fireworks from Burj kalifar will still happen. Madness
Thought it was going to be a decent day weatherwise but hey ho. It wasn't.Walked round to you know where this morning and 'you know who' forgot to mention the mince pie. Then I took a round about walk back home in the sunshine, grabbed my car and drove to Dunelm and spent £30 in the sale. Couple of fitted sheets and some odds and ends but not pegs!! When I came out the heavens had opened. Hope it's stopped now for the fireworks.
Woofy, my little dog was very scared of fireworks and I had to calm him but then he became deaf and and never heard a thing.
Off now to tidy up down here then later I'll be in bed watching the fireworks at midnight.

Happy New Year again dear friends. See you next year. XX
Happy New Year Biddies
we went to bed at 23.50 as didn't see much point in waiting, nothing happening here in this village, no fireworks.
Hija finished work at midnight but she and friends went to a bar away from the madness of Downtown Dubai, they couldn't get home as all roads were gridlocked, so they just enjoyed themselves for 2 hours.
I awoke to find Mr N had made breakfast so had to get up, mind you it was about 10am.
My posts may appear several times as laptop is being strange.
Morning...Happy New Year, white rabbits and white garden. Well it was, there was a good frost and thin ice on the birdbaths first thing but it's gone now.
Hope you're all ok this morning. Lots of loud fireworks last night but they were soon over. I'm glad your daughter's safe neti.
Jude I'm sure you worked the mince pie off grabbing bargains in Dunelm. Apparently there was a 25 minute wait to get in the car park at the weekend.

Today I'll be mostly lolling, you're not supposed to do domestics on NY's day are you? (I think you can have a domestic row though where applicable). I'll start with some culture, the Concert from Vienna....and it's all uphill with the Sound of Music later.

♫..lay odl lay odl lay hee hooooo...♫
I hate Gravitar. Never accepts my password so have to get new ones everytime. I'll still be an Xmas tree in August at this rate.
Mr N went to golf, I started to take down the decorations then he turned up as no one there. So that put a stop to that. He's made a lovely light lunch and I'm going to have a bath then a cuppa and some roscon (kings cake).
Hello all and a Happy New Year.
Bit colder today than of late.Very quiet here and not many fireworks last night either.
I'm having a loll too.Going to watch Terminal later .I love that film ,love anything with Tom Hanks and the other one I like is on too with Leonardo de Caprio ,Catch me if you can, but it's on late and I may not stand the pace :)
Just had a short hot bath, I just cannot loll about in baths, in scrub and out again.
I have managed to reset my gravatar password but next week I bet it won't accept my new password.
Watching Dr No and desperately waiting to have my kings cake, just seems a bit decadent to have it at 2.45 pm!
woofy on FB a couple pf days ago (I wished I had shared it then) there was an article showing you how to put a bandage or cloth round a dog to calm it from the noise of fireworks. It was very simple and had to be round the neck, crossed over and finally tied on the dogs lower back which somehow made them feel safe, ever heard of it? sort of under the neck crossed on the upper back and under and then tied on lower back, I think.
Was this it neti? I've heard something like that before, it must be a kind of acupressure.

I haven't had a bath for years. You shouldn't have one on new year's day...if you're superstitious.

The roscon, Kings Cake, we couldn't wait until the 5th, so we have already eaten half of it, the King has been found in the cream, still waiting to find the bean. The cake also came with 2 beautiful golden crowns to be worn!
Yes woofy that is it, thought of you immediately.

OK give me the bad news, why shouldn't I have bathed on NYD??
'Cos it's too bloomin cold
I don't know, same reason they say you shouldn't wash your hair/clothes I spose, you'll wash someone away. 'They' being old uns of course, not us, oh no.

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yes Neti heard of it, no sadly it doesn’t work, at least not on mine. The other thing is that for some dogs it is literally paralysingly scary so what looks like calm behaviour is actually being scared stiff :(
Too cold? 17°.
A quick goodnight all. Just watched a programme on Frank Sinatra, really like him believe it or not. I have quite a lot of his CDs.
Nipped over to Steady's earlier for a culpable and a chat. He always ends up playing his guitar and singing. I love it. I know I'm biased but he is so talented on the guitar. How he knows what chords and notes he's playing and can't read music I'll never know. It must just be his ear!
This was just a quick goodnight

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