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Unknown bush/shrub

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shaneystar2 | 17:42 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Gardening
1724 Answers
We have this bush in the garden .When it comes into bloom it looks glorious and it's just starting now .However I have no idea what it is . It was here when we moved in nearly nine years ago .
Any offers ?


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No idea what to cook for dinner tonight! Been getting used to MrN doing it all, now I am out of practice!
nephew icked up, he is about 8ft tall, same as jno jnr, who has taken him for a drive round the glories of north London. I went to t'mall, which is heaving and weird diversions in place before getting out again - just as well I didn't buy anything frozen because it wouldn't be now.
Well Mr bah humbug Grinch wants the tree up until 6th!Just eaten some Parkin, it was all sticky and delicious!
the Grinch wants Christmas to last longer? The books will have to be rewritten
I think because he bought a new one, he wants to get his money's worth!!!
I want my money's worth out of my new lights...tree stays up 'til twelfth night. It's going to be dull when it comes down :(
Good morning biddies! Lovely sunny day!
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Morning all
No sun here and a real feel of minus 4.Brrr.Hairdressers later but I can't remember what time.Diary says 12 o'clock ,calendar says 1.30.I'll have to phone.I may even have the wrong day knowing me.
Lol ..Jno they all seem about 8ft tall these days.I get a crick in my neck looking up.Useful for changing lightbulbs though.
Yes they are all rather tall, Hija is 5'9' but my bros are tall!
Morning all...dull and very cold here too.

Hope you have more joy with your hairdresser than I did with my dentists shaney. I really didn't feel like going but dragged myself off, she's a lovely woman and I always feel ok once I'm there. 10-15 mins late going in....and horror! My dentist has left and I'm back to a man...pleasant enough but not as chatty and gentle as she was and that was just a check up. Pah!

My two are 6ft+ too...and to think that for years Tarquin was the smallest in his class at school. I'm 5' 7" and ex was 5' 9". I think he's shrunk now :)
I'm 5'5" and Mr N was taller but he's shrunk now!
Getting chilly just put the gas fire! I've made a fish pie, washed spare room bedding got it dry and ironed and put away! The I opened the Mcvities mix biscuits, ooh such a treat.
Good morning! Damp but sunny here. I've bought plant pots, oasis and artificial flowers, yes I'm going gardening!
Morning...dull and cold here.

That's spooky neti, I was going to say the Gardening category is very quiet and was there anything you wanted to ask? My brother dotted some artificial flowers around his garden, haha. He was a city lad.
Here's a plan for you...

As lawns are not natural to the island and take too much precious water (don't get me started on that!) There are quite a few artificial lawns. New lidl has them but they are ruching up and look silly, but I wouldn't mind but with all the wild cats pooing everywhere would drive me mad!
Have just bleached all the bathroom walls and ceiling to get rid of the dreaded black spot as they call damp it in Cornwall. Place stinks!
Gardening done!
Hello all its been a bit chaotic here. Ddi I mention we have six lots of fireworks happening over 10 days because of cruise ships leaving? The first two were last night and the night before. We sorted ourselves to go out places for the first two nights. The first night we thought we had missed the fireworks, walked through the door and 10 minutes later the fireworks went off and dogs climbed the walls. Further complication was that it was the first cold night of the year so I had to monitor the tortoises several times during the night. Spent a lot of yesterday snoozing and drinking coffee ready to go out again yesterday evening. TRIPLE checked the sailing time and the firing time. Got home...yes yet again just got in the door and the fireworks went off. Anyway Sis went home today and no fireworks tonight so we all get a day off then they are on again thursday night, saturday night and monday and tuesday. I hope they get their timing sorted or we will all be nervous wrecks, especially as more cold weather on the way so more tortoise monitoring needed. Thank you for listening. this moan was brought to you by carnival cruises.
Yes woofy I'm with you I don't like cruises either!
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Afternoon folks
By 'eck it's cold .It hasn't shifted from no degrees all day.I tottered to the High St for a few bits I needed but didn't hang around.Got what I wanted and scuttled home again pdq.
Hope you're all ok though.That sounds a nightmare for you Woofy.I expect you'll be glad when they've all gone.
Don't forget to deadhead those plants and give them lots of tlc, Neti :)
They deadhead themselves after a summer in the sun, they do look exceptionally jolly! I have to paint the tables now as they are ornate iron and very rusty!
Good morning all! My flowers are blooming away, cats haven't knocked them over yet!
Have taken tree decs off and waiting for Mr N to pack tree away. The 3 Kings are coming tonight!!
Hope all biddies are well rested, dogs and torts included!

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