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Unknown bush/shrub

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shaneystar2 | 17:42 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Gardening
1724 Answers
We have this bush in the garden .When it comes into bloom it looks glorious and it's just starting now .However I have no idea what it is . It was here when we moved in nearly nine years ago .
Any offers ?


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After the rain it became a nothing day, dank damp and nothing somwe went out for lunch in a new place (for us) very nice and we also went to Lidl and got a new flexible washing basket and a bed tray on a cushion for my computer! Plus lots of jams etc.
I keep answering the wrong thread with this new site! Grrr!
Robi, Holby turned out quite good in the end!
OH has just staggered in from the storm. We hadn't realised the BBC has closed down its transport website, so no way of telling what roads are opened or closed.

wahoo, the bathroom is complete! that's two full weeks it took, but I did fit in a couple of showers on quiet days. And it really looks nice.
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Ooh ,Yes please Neti.I didn't realise there was a new series and I doubt they'll show it here on the main channels as they didn't show the last one.Thanks muchly x
Still rattling out there but not as bad as earlier.The fancy fence which the new people on the other side put up on top of our wall before they disappeared has gone for a burton,luckily into their garden.However,the for sale sign is now in our front garden.
There's been a lot of damage round about,trees down etc and power outages but we seem to have escaped unscathed apart from having to rescue two wheelie bins which had blown over.Luckily they were empty.
Very nice for you Jno ,you'll be able to shower non stop now:)
Morning all...chillier but blue skies and sunshine and thankfully calm 'cos I've got to go out and tidy up after she-devil Doris' handiwork. Most of my containers are blown over and the bird table looks broken although the roof was already rotten. Something else to go on my wish list.

Lovely jno, you can bubble away your troubles now. Enjoy...
I'll throw in some Lifebuoy and Izal but if you ask woofy nicely I'm sure she's still got some of the soft stuff left from her multi-order :)
Loved the pinny btw woofy, I've got quite a collection, I'm a messy mare. Sis bought me one at xmas with garden birds on it ...I flap it at the feral pigeons.

Better get the cstrd crms out and the kettle on shaney, there'll be a steady stream of viewers this weekend once word gets around your house is for sale. :)
lovely day out there, the calm after the storm.
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Morning all
'Twas bright but now it's drizz frizzing and the temps have dropped sharply from a few days ago during the so called heatwave.
At least it's calmer out there and I've picked up rubbish from out the front and put the sign back down their side way.
I chucked it over the fence :)
Lol..I would dread another move Robinia unless it was to a modern bungalow in the exact same location.Perhaps we can knock this down and rebuild .Dream on Shaney ..
Hope you're all ok .
Hello, just been out tomlunch again, thankmheavens for Franco, he made it law that every restaurant had to have a workers menu for about £8, we had bread, olives and alioli, I had chicken and cheese croquets, Mr N had soup, then i had grilled salnon and chips and veg, and Mr N had beef cheek chips etc. Then I had profiteroles and he had local cake graixonera, all with a bottle of rose wine, and lemonade and a coffee! Not worth cooking, now all cosy and watching Countdown
Showery dark day!
I dont think i would like a modern build, i love weird character houses as is mine, but would like a few more reliable bits, like internet, and electricity and sewers would be nice! We are limited to 5,500k of electricty ( we upgraded from 2.200,) but even now cant use hairdrier if oven or heater or something is on! And we have a soakaway pit for waste water, so when it's rained heavily things ie bath etc take a while to drain away!
Brr its gone cold here again. All snuggled in my warm bed watching tv!
turned a bit chilly here too. We went out to the big 1960s show

Which was very good but is just about to close. We got a catalogue cheap as it was a display copy; they've run out of all the other paperback copies. Then we had a nice Lebanese meal and came home shivering discreetly.
Good morning! Well Doris has lost her oomph but is weeping constantly! Cold dark and wet!
Have been shopping and then walked into the village to an Asian shop to get a bag load of spices! We are going to get wet!
Mr N is amusing himself by make naan bread and a balti curry from scratch, I'd rather he bought a take-away!
it's all drizzle here. Thank goodness I no longer have to go out and stand in it if I want a shower.
I left my car out to get washed by the rain, it was muddy rain, car is dirtier than ever.
Evening all...grizzle day here too.
No shaney?

Nothing much to report, sis came for a few hours but we didn't go out. Yesterday the ankle snappers came and pocketed all the loose change lying around the house. I'm renaming Tarquin, he's now known as Fagin.

Good news neti, there's a seventies revival for house decor and the big thing is houseplants everywhere. Cheese plants, rubber plants and lots of macrame hanging things. Oh, and Moroccan pouffes. I know how excited you must be.

Hope you're all ok.
Ha I posted once and its vanished. Sis has arrived and we are having a good time, she looks a little weary to me so I am trying to get her to do less while she is here, fat chance! Hope you are all well and no one has blown away.
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Very late evening all It's nearly time to go to bed .
Been a bit busy today with one thing and another .Had new curtains put up and the huge window cleaned inside at the front which I can no longer manage as it's too high.This is why I want modern. Too many crooks and grannies in this shack for us old fogies these days.
Oh no, not a 70's revival Robinia .Avocado bathrooms and orange patterned wallpaper ...yuk. I bet Neti would love a lavalamp :)
It's chilly and has been so all day but at least it was dry.
I bet that was an interesting exhibition Jno.I miss stuff like that here in the sticks .Still, I can always look round here,some of our stuff should be in a museum :)
Night all .Sleep well.

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