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Unidentified Plant. I have an ID.

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Lonnie | 18:27 Tue 19th Jun 2007 | Gardening
3 Answers
Mainly for Cetti, and Tbird, We went to our local RHS gardens today, and they had some, had the picture with me, and spoke to one of the Gardeners. Its an 'Inula Orientalis', Although on fairness to you both, I had the added advantage of seeing it in the flesh, and the leaves, do resemble the 'Teazle', I only knew it wasn't one, because as I said, I grow them, Anyway. Thanks for looking, and your efforts on my behalf, very much appreciated. Thanks.


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Hi lonnie, Ahh thats great thats been bugging me all day!!
You should have some big yellow spidery,daisy-like flowers any day now.
Glad I was'nt the only one baffled the that plant. Please send a pic when it's in full bloom. Cheers- Tbird+
Thank you for letting us know Lonnie.

I'm so glad the identity has been revealed, as it's defeated the BBC Gardening Message Board..... never have guessed it was that gorgeous daisy in a million years Tbird says please post a pic when it's in flower if you can.
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Thanks for your replies, and yes, i'll certainly do that,

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Unidentified Plant. I have an ID.

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