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solar lights not working

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rf2214 | 00:20 Sun 11th May 2008 | Gardening
3 Answers
Why are my solar lights not working properly? They are on but flicker and have a very low light output.


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First thing I'd ask; are they in a position to receive at least 5 hours of sunlight in the day? Most inexpensive such lights don't store energy very well and don't last through the night unless rcieving sufficient sunlight...
Clanad's spot on there. Someone gave us a host of cheapo lights that were unwanted, and to get decent, long-lasting light, we found we had to leave them in direct sunlight for hours. Leave them switched off all day, to harness the power, and then turn them on when it gets dark. Providing sufficient energy's been stored up, then your lights should keep going for a good while.
I bought mine from wilkinsons, and they have batteries in them that need replacing when they go dead.. i would check to see if this is the case. x

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