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smelly carpet shampooer

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woofgang | 22:38 Tue 30th Jun 2009 | Interiors
996 Answers
I have a bissell carpet shampooer which is absolutely the bees knees. It is easy to use and really gets my filthy dog-defiled carpets clean again. The only trouble is that while I do clean it after use and let it dry in the air before putting it away, it is beginning to smell, I guess because some dirty water is always left inside it somewhere. has anyone else had this problem and found a solution to it please?


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Terrific news about your BiL Neti. I should change my avatar but cba. Have lovely hols Lottie and welcome back Jude.
No Neti don't hit your bro, I like that sign.
Sis is here and we have talked ourselves to a standstill. I am weary and 4 am approaches. Oight oight all
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good morning all......zzzzzzzzzz
Good morning woofy and all others. Still sunny outside.
I only changed my aviator cos Robi did, and as I am here exclusively for the jubilee celebrations I thought I had better do so. Must admit to missing the white island and the family (blimey, who'd have thought it!!)
Am getting up now, to shower, eat brekkie and then sissy and I are getting the bus to Bexhill for the day, simply cos we can!! B-i-law is going to rehab with his carer, so she is free for a few hours.
Morning all
Bit dull weatherwise here .
Hope things go well for your BiL Neti and enjoy your day out .
Enjoy your time with your sister Woofy .
I'm off to the library and have a few other errands to do round the High St.
How exciting !
My friend came round yesterday with her little dog and two others in tow. One is a KC spaniel and the other one a little terrier. Her sister died recently so she has taken her dogs on .
Be good Biddies ..see you later .
Morning's looking very 'street party' in here, I love shaney's avatar,
I thought I'd make an effort. Shame the weather's not doing the same, it's dull and a bit drizzly on and off. I know I wanted it to freshen up a bit but this is too far the other way.
oh well, I bought you all a present...
oooph! tripped up by shaney's corgi there :o)
ah, something for the sandwiches

I've been thinkin'...after this one we'll have had jubilees for 25/50/60 years so if the next one is 75 this could well be the last we see in our lifetime. Of course there'd be a coronation and that would be a first for me...s'pect some of you have seen a few already tho'

> > > > > >
I've only seen the one coronation Robinia but I was quite interested to see a bit on some programme just now ( Mr S is a recorder/ fast forwarder ) where they interviewed Barbara Knox .I didn't realise she was 78 and going to marry Dennis Tanner ! He's 75.Crikey . I used to love Corrie years ago but don't follow it now,but I shall have to watch that .

Raining here now .Well ,drizzling .Very muggy though and we've got those thunderflies floating around .

BONG BING Jno ..I don't know if you've seen it but on BBC4 Lucy doing a three parter entitled Harlots, Housewives and Heroines .The first one was while you were away .But still on catch up .The second one was last night .
Back from Bexhill, very nice day, blimey the place is heaving with oldies, I felt quite young! Found a new black bag in a charity shop for £1 so snapped it up. I broke the ticket machine on the bus :0(

Treated sis to an italian lunch, expensive :0(

Love shaney's aviator, where did you find that, also love Robi's.

Mine aviator was the maamite yesterday but didn't like it (the piccy not the marmite!) so changed, will off to look for something more amusing!
..Shaney, I looked in all the 2nd hand bookshops for Nella Last's Peace, but couldn't remember the author, so not much luck. That is the title isn't it. Will try Waterstones tomorrow. Hope it's not too expensive as am seriously short of the old moola now.
Neti's by Robert Malcolmson .
"A handbag!!"
Thanks shqaney, could never have guessed that, and I did try to google in the street!
Could I have some Biddy advice please .
As you know my old friend passed away recently .I would like to attend her funeral and Picky said he would have taken me down but has work commitments on that day .Training it would mean here to Liverpool St then tubing it to Morden then bus for 2 pm on the day .Then I have to make my way home again .
Her daughter said not to worry and was really understanding that I may not be able to make it but I feel awful .Do you think if I send a card and some money for flowers or a donation that will be OK ?
I'm loathe to do Interflora never know what it will be like .Have had disasters in the past .....
Yes shaney a donation would be fine or flowers, and try a smaller florist, they can be excellent. Don't even think of going, that journey would be too much for a younger person let alone one of us. When this happened for my Dad's funeral I went and visited mum's grave (although they were divorced) and said a prayer and thought of Dad, so go somewhere quiet or a church whatever and say a few words to her, doesn't have to be prayers, from you to her, means more than anything and you will feel better, take care x
ooh, thanks, shaney - I put some progs on to record before I went away but I am not at all sure Lucy W was one of them, I must check.

Re funerals, don't forget people are very understanding of the frailties of dodderers of our advanced years and will quite understand if we can't make it across country. Indeed I may not make it to my own funeral unless it is within 100 yards of the front door. Flowers should be fine, perhaps a donation to a favourite charity if any?
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I absolutely agree with the others Shaney, and more to the point, I feel sure that you friend would too. Spend some time quietly and think of her, I agree absolutely about Interflora, do you know what the family wishes are about flowers?

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